Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release 3.6.77
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: GDevelop 3.6.77
Released: 2015-01-22
Release Assets:
- Added Shape Painter objects for HTML5 games (already available for native games).
- Added Panel Sprite ("9-patch") objects for HTML5 games (already available for native games).
- Added Text entry objects for HTML5 games (already available for native games).
- Added support for "Change global color" action for Sprite objects in HTML5 games.
- Added LastPressedKey() expression to get the name of the latest pressed key.
- Fixed hitboxes of Tiled Sprite and Text objects not always properly updated on HTML5 games.
- Ensure that platformer objects are able to jump after being stuck into an obstacle.
- HTML5 games are now fullscreen by default.
- Fixed crashes with extensions (like LinkedObjects) due to an internal error in the game engine.
- Auto complete automatism name when editing a condition or action and clicking on the button next to the parameter field.
- Updated Pixi.js, the HTML5 rendering engine used by GDevelop, to the latest version.
- Disable ribbon buttons in the Scene tab according to the scene editor state (preview or edition).
- Translations are now made using Crowdin.com: https://crowdin.com/project/gdevelop (Any help is welcome! :D).
Note: this version has a bug making it unstable, download version 3.6.78 instead.