Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta117
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.0.0-beta117
Released: 2021-09-09
Release Assets:
✨ New features
Add support for visual effects ("shaders") on objects (thanks @HarsimranVirk!)
- This allows to generate interesting visual effects, which can be controlled by events. For example, you can use an outline on an object to highlight, make the player glow when launching a spell, blur objects, etc...
- A new "effects" tab is now present in the objects editor. From there, you can add visual effects, that were already available for layers, and customize them from this editor.
- Actions and conditions are available to manipulate effects and change their parameters during the game.
- Learn more on the wiki: http://wiki.compilgames.net/doku.php/gdevelop5/objects/effects
Add support for behaviors based on other behaviors ("behavior composition") (thanks @D8H!)
- This allows custom behaviors, that you can create in your project or get from extensions, to require the presence of one or multiple other behaviors on an object.
- This is an advanced feature that is helpful to create behaviors that are based on other. For example, a behavior "Platformer enemy" using the "Platformer object" behavior and adding specific actions, conditions and logic to make an enemy chase the player.
- If you create a behavior and want to use this, just go to the properties of this behavior and add a new property. Choose the type "Required Behavior" for this property. You can then use this new behavior in the events of the behavior you just edited.
- To use a behavior based on another, you don't need to do anything special! Just add it to your object as usual: any missing behavior will be added to your object, so you can start using it immediately.
💝 Improvements
- Allow colors to be used for behavior properties
- Rework the color fields to allow to enter colors as R;G;B directly in the field
- Allow behaviors to have a "string list" property like functions
- Add the word "object" in timer actions/conditions names, to make them easier to spot (Thanks @Bouh!)
- Add multiple contributors to the credits (Thanks @arthuro555!)
- Allow rounding pixels when rendering on a project level
- Add command to open the extension search in the command palette
- Improve events sheet wording for object boolean variables
- Prevent variable value to be set to an invalid number ("NaN") in the variables editor (Thanks @arthuro555!)
- Allow again to choose the opacity of the grid in the scene editor.
- Also fix an issue where a grid with the black color was not persisted properly.
⚙ Extensions, 🕹 Examples, 🎨 Assets
🎉 There are now 85+ extensions available for GDevelop in the extensions library and 2700+ assets!
Some of the new or updated extensions:
- Marching Squares extension and example by @D8H
- Fix on sliders and other exetnsions by @D8H
- New Boomerang extension by @Entr0py404 and @tristanbob
- New Magnetic effect extension by @Entr0py404
- FPS extension by @arthuro555
- UUID and Render To Sprite extension by @arthuro555
- RTS Unit Selection by Slash and @tristanbob
- Random choice in a list extension by @UlisesFreitas
- Transition painter extension by @Westboy31
- Reflection by @VegeTato
Remember that documentation pages are now automatically generated for all extensions on the wiki, including descriptions and authors.
New assets are in the store:
- (artist: Simple Wares) 65 button asset pack, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: EgorDorichev) Pixel Buttons Set, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: Narehop) PS4 Pixel Controller Buttons, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: route1rodent) 16x16 RPG characters, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: rmocci) Pixel flag packs, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: Alex's) 16x16 RPG Item Pack 1 & 2, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: 0x72) Dungeon Tileset 2, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: Shikashi's) Fantasy Icons Pack, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: Exuin) Spinning Pixel Art Icons, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: Arks) Dino Characters, packaged by @Entr0py404
- (artist: ghostpixxells) Pixel Mart & Free Pixel food, packaged by @Entr0py404
New examples are available (many thanks to @Midhil457, @Bouh, @arthuro555, @Silver-Streak and other reviewers for reviewing these):
- Rhythm example by @UlisesFreitas
- Yarnalia by @UlisesFreitas
- Minesweeper by @Midhil457, @tristanbob, @Alaska, @Bouh
- Thanks to @Midhil457 for cleaning/fix various examples
- City builder example by @D8H, reviewed by @Midhil457 and @Bouh
- New Ping Pong example by @Midhil457
- New Break Out Example by @Midhil457
- Magnetic Effect example by @Entr0py404
- Reflection example by @VegeTato
If your name or nickname is missing in other of these lists, let 4ian or a moderator know on Discord or on the forum, we'll fix that! This list is manually compiled until we set up something done automatically.
🐛 Bug fixes
- Increase shader precision, allowing lights to be displayed correctly on iOS
- Prevent instances to have a negative width or height in the instances editor
- Note that this does not affect existing games that would use this incorrect behavior (which can create bugs)
- Fix crash when instances were resized on the scene editor after being set to a size of 0
- Fix some missing translations (Thanks @Bouh!)
- Fix missing translations in the main menu bar (Thanks @Bouh!)
- Fix games crashing when an unknown action/condition was used (could come from a deleted extension)
- Fix variable dropdown not updated in the action/condition editor after editing variables
- Fix a crash when drag'n'dropping actions/conditions in custom behaviors
🛠 Internal changes (for developers)
- Add tests for platformer objects on slope junctions (Thanks @D8H!)
- Increase Flow hash table to avoid memory limitations
- Remove deprecated/unmaintained Cocos2d-JS renderer files (Thanks @HarsimranVirk!)
- Improve typing of TestRuntimeObject
- Use Semaphore 2 to run the fast tests for each commit/PR
- Move variable event tools to their own file (Thanks @arthuro555!)
- Ensure the deployment script stops on error
- Remove deprecated/unused/unmaintained GDCpp code
- This also includes extensions code.