Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta118
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.0.0-beta118
Released: 2021-09-30
Release Assets:
✨ New features
You can now claim a username when registering your GDevelop account or when editing your profile.
- Go to your profile and click "Edit" to claim your username! Please choose the same as the one you're using on Discord, the forum or on GitHub.
- In the future, you'll be able to enhance your profile with a custom avatar, a quick bio and browse other user profiles.
The username of contributors to extensions and examples will now be displayed in the example library and extension library!
- When editing an extension or a game properties, you can now enter your username, and the username of anyone who contributed.
- We'll progressively add the author/contributors of existing extensions and games (if you are one of them, feel free to open Pull Requests or issues on the appropriate GitHub repositories to do so).
💝 Improvements
- Do not open expression parameters dialog if there are no parameters to configure
- Add several UI improvements on the IDE
- Add possibility to start and stop particle emitter
- Add a condition to check if a platformer object is on a given platform
- Add expressions for properties of type "color" for custom behaviors (Thanks @D8H!)
- Add possibility to zoom in or out on the events sheet.
- Optimize Linked Objects actions/conditions, up to 80% faster on games using it extensively with a lot of objects (Thanks @D8H!)
- Improve Draggable behavior to drag the frontmost object under the cursor/touch (Thanks @D8H!)
- In previous versions, the order was not guaranteed, which could result in a non intuitive result for the player.
- Add autocompletion for effect names and effect parameter names in actions and conditions
- Improve the Draggable behavior to reduce memory usage (Thanks @D8H!)
- Set the default dimensions of a new collision mask to the dimensions of the sprite.
- Add a color picker to Add Object Color Tween action 'To color' parameter
- Upgrade the internal rendering engine (PixiJS) to 6.1.2 - providing performance improvements on iOS
⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples
- Improve automated verification of extensions (thanks @arthuro555!)
- Add GitHub actions to make reviewing of extensions easier (thanks @arthuro555!)
- Add value range and tick spacing for Slider (Thanks @D8H!)
- Fix action Load the Leaderboard entries in YandexGamesSDK (thanks @achubutkin!)
- Add a new string expression that allow you to get the version of the game (thanks @UlisesFreitas!)
- Update Flip3D extension with duration instead of speed and a revert possible at any time (thanks @D8H!)
- Make it explicit that a shape painters can be used as a mask on any object.
- Add Cancellable Draggable behavior with tweens (thanks @D8H!)
- Add Dungeon Generator extension (thanks @tristanbob!)
- Use the new API from Yandex in the Yandex extension (thanks @achubutkin!)
- Improve RectangularMovement with new events (thanks @tristanbob!)
- Add the Checkpoints extension (thanks @Elairyx7301!)
- Add an extension to stick objects to other ones (thanks @D8H!)
- Add Pixel Playing Cards by Kenney.nl (packaged by @D8H)
- Add Rolling Ball Pack by Kenney.nl (packaged by @Midhil457)
- Add Pixel Arcade Stick and Buttons by OptimusDu (packaged by @Entr0py404)
- Add Dungeon Generator example (thanks @tristanbob!)
- Add Virtual Joystick example (thanks @Midhil457!)
- Remove the useless splashscreen example (thanks @Midhil457)
- Remove useless extensions in the Liquids example (thanks @D8H)
- Add an example for Rectangular Movement (thanks @tristanbob)
- Add "reset checkpoint" example for the extension
- Add "Stick objects" example (thanks @D8H!)
- Update "Cannon ball with physics" example (thanks The Gem Dev!)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix effects of objects not always working, depending on layers/object position in the list
- Multiple fixes for the resources editor:
- Fix renaming resources breaking objects or events using it.
- Fix Bitmap Text objects crashing the editor if the font was renamed in resources
- Fix crash at game loading when a resource file was not found
- Fix unexpected custom loading screen image removal when removing unused images
- Fix crash when moving a parameter of a function of an extension (or a custom behavior) after adding it
- Fix a default folder not being set when opening the new project dialog using the "GDevelop games" button
- Fix notifications title on Windows
- Fix Scan for Images/Fonts/Audios in the resources editor wrongly adding resources with files already in other resources
- This could be visible when using the asset store or resources that have been renamed.
- Fix the Bitmap Font field not shown in the parameters of the action to change it.
- Fix particle emitter unused parameter friction - now removed from the interface
- Fix some particle emitter actions and conditions
- Fix long description fields for parameters shown when changing from one function to another after adding a long description
🛠 Internal changes (for developers)
- Add CI to deploy automatically the Storybook for each commit
- Useful to quickly test components without having to fetch and build locally a branch.
- Upgrade to Storybook v6
- Add a dropdown to choose the theme in the stories, useful to quickly check a component with all themes.
- Enable more warnings from Clang when compiling C++ sources