Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta47
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.0.0-beta47
Released: 2018-08-02
Release Assets:
- Fix regression where an object with Platformer Object behavior is not properly staying on floor after being resized.
- Add missing functions and bugfix for particles (thanks @Lizard-13!)
- Add a text field to rename object from object editor (thanks @blurymind!)
- Allow to double click to edit object and add Duplicate item menu (thanks @Wend1go!)
- Add isometric game example (thanks Mickael Hoarau!)
- Add lots of new examples (thanks @ddabrahim!)
- Add bomb-the-crate example (thanks @rikazukun!)
- Add support for opening a file from command line
- Add RandomInRange, RandomFloat and other random functions (thanks @Lizard-13!)
- Fix default font loading for Text object
- Fix Pixi flickering on some mobile phones (thanks @Wend1go and @Bouh!)
- Add minor fixes on Skeleton extension (thanks @Lizard-13!)
- Fix Debugger with Pathfinding behavior (fix #570)