Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta54

✨ New features

  • ✨Introducing Functions ⚙️. Functions allow you to create new actions, conditions or expressions using events.
    • This is an advanced and very powerful feature: Functions will be shareable in the near future, allowing for even faster game creation and sharing of features between games.
    • Read more about functions on the wiki. 📚
    • This feature is in alpha mode (and may slightly evolve). You must enable it manually in the preferences. Please report any issue!
  • 🔊Added jsfx, a sound generator that can be used to create sound effects in record time for your games.
    • Open it by clicking on the pen next the audio file in actions to play sounds.
    • Thanks @blurymind for suggesting and implementing this addition.

💝 Improvements

  • Objects can now be positionned on the scene by drag'n'dropping them from the list of objects to the scene.
    • You can also click on an object in the list, right click on the scene and choose the option to add an instance of it. (Thanks @blurymind!)
  • Added 3 new examples (Thanks @ddabrahim!)
    • including a simple level editor with an example of a function.
  • Add more JavaScript annotations (for autocompletion) (Thanks @Wend1go!)
  • Add option to scan for new image resources or remove unused images in Resource Editor (Thanks @blurymind)
  • Press Alt while moving an object to ignore grid (Thanks @kdparkinson)
  • Add Edit Object and Delete options to context menu on Scene Editor (Thanks @blurymind!)
  • Performance improvements in the IDE
  • Add word wrapping for Text Object (Thanks @Lizard-13!). Resize an instance of a text object on the scene to have it wrapped (you can also use events to do the same).
  • Snap position of objects to the grid when inserted (Thanks @blurymind!)
  • Add "Add event", "Add Subevent" and "Add Other" options in context menu in the EventsSheet (Thanks @blurymind!)
  • Add option to customize particles rotation speed (thanks @Lizard-13!)
  • Add button to rotate the selected instances in the Scene Editor (thanks @blurymind!)

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix selection of instances on hidden layers (Thanks @blurymind!)
  • Fix action to open URL in games
  • Fix True/False buttons in events sheet
  • Fix missing support for Escape key in "Key Pressed" condition.
  • Fix long action/condition words not breaking properly in the editor.
  • Ensure confirmation of project closing is shown when pressing Ctrl+W (or Cmd+W).

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