Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta65
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.0.0-beta65
Released: 2019-03-11
Release Assets:
β¨New features
Add support for translations, contributed by the community. This is still in beta, most translations are not finished.
- You can contribute to translations on Crowdin: https://crowdin.com/project/gdevelop
- This is still in development so some part of the app can't be translated yet
- Report any bad translation here: https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop/issues/969
π Improvements
- Instance variables are directly shown and editable from the properties panel (thanks @blurymind!)
- Object variables that are inherited are also shown.
- Added a button to open the events function editor from the condition/action editor.
- Add button to "Open Project Folder" in Resources Editor (thanks @Bouh!)
- Add geodash example and betabox-basics-learning-experience (thanks @zatsme and @Jmlannan!)
π Bug fixes
- Fix Time expression and add "timestamp" support
- Ensure size of the game during preview is the same as in settings (thanks @Lizard-13!)
- Remove menu item to close the window
- Remove simulated clicks in game when the cursor leaves the window (thanks @KinkGD!)
- Properly show disabled Link events and adapt the rendering to the theme (thanks @KinkGD!)
- Update ColorPicker placement to avoid it going out of screen (thanks @KinkGD!)
- Improve audio support on browsers (Howler.js updated to v2.1.1) (thanks @zatsme!)
- Allow both "Center" and "Centre" for Center point in expressions (thanks @zatsme!)
- Fix mispositioning of text editor when a large text is entered
- Fix warning when renaming a scene/external layout or external events
- Fix click badly recognised when renaming a scene/external layout or external events
- Fix potential error in Facebook Instant Games export
- Fix typo in "Common actions" category title
- Fix spelling of some conditions and actions
- Add performance warning for text object character size action