Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta70

⚠️Breaking change

Due to a slight change in the way behaviors are stored, game usings the physics engine and saved with this new version won't work properly with an older verison. Make backups of your game before continuing.

✨New features (custom behaviors and community extensions)

  • 🔥New feature: create your own behaviors using events 🏃‍♀️Create new behaviors for your objects, directly from the editor, using the events that you are familiar with.

If you have been repeating events multiple times to do the same thing to your objects, you can now move these events to a behavior! Want:

  • your enemies to automatically follow the player? Create a Follower behavior. 🏃‍♂️
  • some rockets to target the player? Create a Missile behavior. 🚀
  • enemies and the players to have health and take damage? Create a Health behavior. 💊
  • This feature includes:
    • Create behaviors that are targeting all objects, or a specific object like Sprite, Text... so that you can modify animations, change the text etc...
    • Run events at every frame of the game, before or after traditional events, to animate your object...
    • ...or when the object is created, deleted...
    • ...and create custom actions, conditions and expressions for your behavior.

To get started, add a new extensions under "Functions/Behaviors" in the Project Manager. Read this page for more information.


  • 🔥New feature: 🔍search and install extensions containing new behaviors, actions, conditions or expressions, shared by the community.

To get started, click on "Search for New Extensions" under "Functions/Behaviors" in the Project Manager.


  • Add support for adding tags to objects and filter by tags.

💝 Improvements

  • Add warning for resources located outside of project folder (thanks @blurymind!).
  • Add copy/cut/paste for events functions.
  • Improve commands to launch the development version of GDevelop (thanks @blurymind!).
  • Display error messages in case no key or mouse button is selected.
  • Add explanation about not playing music before first user interaction.
  • Add copy/cut/paste for custom behaviors (thanks @Bouh!).
  • Add condition to check if too arbitrary strings are equal.
  • Display the position of the mouse on the scene, in the scene editor.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix copy/cut/paste for extensions.
  • Fix action to set the return string of an event function.
  • Fix the display of two parameters in FileSystem extension (thanks @Wend1go!)
  • Fix Behavior field not automatically filling when editing expressions
  • Fix spelling mistakes in the "Vibrate by pattern" action (thanks @piyushpalawat99!)

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