Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta74

✨ New features

Space shooter example

  • Behaviors can now have properties - that can be number, strings or booleans (checkboxes). It's perfect to make behaviors that are customizable.
    • These properties can be displayed in the editor when the behavior is added to an object
    • After adding a property to a behavior, you can modify and compare the value of the property using actions/conditions generated for it (only in the behavior events).
    • Some properties can also be marked as not visible in the editor. It's useful to store internal state for a behavior, like the amount of ammo, health, etc...

💝 Improvements

  • Add an example: multiplayer-platformer-with-gamepads (thanks @Bouh)

    • Try the new Gamepads extension by @Bouh, to use Xbox, PS4 and other controllers in your game!
  • New actions/conditions for Text objects (thanks @Wend1go!):

    • Add support for outline, shadow, gradient and alignment
    • Add scale actions/conditions
  • Add opacity and tint support to Tiled Sprite objects (thanks @Wend1go!)

  • Add links to two new tutorials by @piyushpalawat99 and Nilarjun (thanks!).

  • Automatically disable smoothing of new images if project scale mode is "nearest" (pixel-perfect).

  • Improve display/selection of some parameters for actions/conditions.

  • Events Functions can now have color, layer or a scene name as parameters

  • Add various links to documentation (thanks @piyushpalawat99!)

  • Add link about publishing on Kongregate or Game Jolt

  • Use 'My Documents' as the default folder for GDevelop projects

  • For GDevelop developers: upgrade internal dependencies to use latest versions (React, Storybook, etc).

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix selection being dismissed when panning the view in the scene editor
  • Fix arguments handling on command line (in particular --disable-update-check)
  • Fixed broken images for Shopify (thanks @piyushpalawat99!)
  • Fix centering of the view when opening a scene
  • Fix crash when pressing Esc while selecting an object for an action/condition
  • Display inline errors in the events sheet some parameters (like a wrong key/mouse button)
  • Fix various intermittent crashs when using the editor

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