Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta95
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.0.0-beta95
Released: 2020-05-29
Release Assets:
Thanks to the 5 contributors that made improvements and bugfixes in this release!
💝 Improvements
- Introducing a New dark theme: "Nord", based on nordtheme.com (Thanks @HarsimranVirk!)
- Add a condition to check if the game is running as a preview (Thanks @arthuro555!)
- Add menu to open recent projects (Thanks @HarsimranVirk!)
- Add an action to clear the state of the Dialogue Tree (Thanks @blurymind!)
- This is useful when launching a new game or restarting it.
- Improve autocompletions for JavaScript code events and for the game engine
- Improve preview buttons
- Now shown on the left of the toolbar, always visible.
- Allow to override the default scene with an external layout.
- Add missing numpad keys to the list of keyboard keys (Thanks @PawBud!)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix pathfinding obstacle actions not working
- Fix path to newly created project not persisted between tabs (Thanks @arthuro555!)
- Fix changes made in extensions sometimes not applied to previews
- Fix missing translations of preview button menus
- Fix crash when renaming or deleting a scene (regression in beta 94)