Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.0-beta98

✨ New features

Introducing Live Previews

  • GDevelop now supports "live previews" (also called hot reloading): apply the changes you made in the editor to your game preview - without restarting the preview.

    • Try live previews by running your preview as usual, then click again on the same button to apply any change made to your game to the preview. Read the documentation to learn more.
    • This is also working using the Network Preview (Preview over Wifi), including on other devices (phones, tablets...). Just launch the preview over Wifi/LAN on your device(s), and press the preview button to apply any changes made in the editor.
    • The debugger now also works with games run using Network Preview (Preview over Wifi).

    Hot reload

    • When you're editing an object, variables or layer effects, you can also use the new button Apply changes to the running preview to see your changes in your running game:

    Hot reload effects 2

Command Palette to boost your speed when using the editor

  • The editor now features a Command Palette, allowing to quickly launch tasks or open editors (Thanks @NilayMajorwar!)
    • Press Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on macOS) to show the Command Palette on the screen.
    • Then browse the commands or start typing the name of command. You'll find commands for most actions and editors of the interface:
      • Tab-related: Open scene, Open external events, Open external layout, Open extension
      • Scene editor: Edit object, Edit object variables, Edit object group, Edit layer effects, Open scene properties, Open scene variables, Toggle grid, Toggle mask, Setup grid and some panel-opening commands like Open properties panel, Open layers panel, etc...
      • Events editor: Create empty event, Add event of type, Search events, Add sub-event, Delete selected events
      • Project-related: Open project properties, Edit global variables, Open project resources, Open project icons, Open a recent project...
      • and more!

ℹī¸ If you want to use the Command Palette and have GDevelop already installed, activate it in the preferences.

gdevelop command palette

👏 The Command Palette is one of the Google Summer of Code projects. It will be followed in the next version by customizable shortcuts for these commands, and by a new object to show dynamic lights on screen. Thanks to @NilayMajorwar and @HarsimranVirk for their great work so far!

💝 Improvements

  • Upgrade game rendering to use Pixi.js 5.3.0, allowing games to run with WebGL 2.
    • This brings various upgrades and performance improvement to the internal rendering engine used by games, both in the editor and in exported games.
    • This also paves the way for adding new objects like Bitmap Text, Mesh or dynamic lights in the future.
    • Huge thanks to @Quarkstar for working on this task and making most of the necessary upgrades .
    • Thanks @Bouh for helping fixing/upgrading the Shape Painter object and @Silver-Streak as well as testers from the forum
  • Add Particle Effects Demo to starters (Thanks Wishforge Games! http://wishforge.games/)
  • Add Video tutorials and hints about these tutorials in the editor
  • Update exported games to run with Electron 8.2.5 (Thanks @ssangervasi!)
  • Rename StrRFind and StrFindFrom to StrFindLast and StrFindLastFrom (Thanks @Bouh!)
  • Add a visual distinction to JavaScript code blocks that are disabled in the Events Sheet (Thanks @arthuro555!)
  • Allow to change color parameters of effects in events using the RGB format (e.g: "255;100;200") (Thanks @Bouh!)

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix saving a file potentially resulting in an empty file in some circumstances.
    • File integrity is now checked after a project is saved.
    • Prevent concurrent save of a file (could happen if Ctrl+S/Cmd+S was kept pressed, and could result in an empty file being saved on disk).
  • Fix translations that were broken.
  • Fix BBText line heights broken in the preview and exported games
    • Also improve BBText performance when rendered in the scene editor.
  • Fix behaviors of an extension wrongly working after the extension is removed
    • This was fixed by saving and reloading the game. The behaviors are now properly unloaded if an extension is removed.
  • Fix crash when using a behavior of a deleted extension
  • Fix "Trigger Once" not working properly when used in a behavior
  • Fix parameter not properly shown for "Clear between frames" action and fix link to help page for inventory (Thanks @Bouh!)
  • Fix crash in Anchor behavior when used on a Text, BB Text or Shape Painter object
  • Fix intermittent crash when deleting an extension
  • Fix "Remove Unused Images" removing images used by BBText object.

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