Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.122

💝 Improvements

  • Move the object variables editor into the objects editor (easier to find and faster to access) (Thanks @Midhil457!)
    • Also rework the other variables editor dialogs to have the toolbar buttons always at the bottom of the window.
  • Add multiple achievements ("badges") that can be earned while using GDevelop.
    • These achievements are visible in your user profile.
    • They are all for now fairly simple to collect, but we'll also later add some a bit more complex to win, to reward contributors, people invested in the community and people building great games!
  • Add conditions and expressions to compare the coordinates of the bounding box of an object.
  • Scene editor improvements:
    • Improve scene editor scrolling speed to be faster/slower according to the zoom level.
    • Improve locked objects in the editor: the objects are now selectable with a different color, making it simpler to unlock them!
  • Add a checkbox in your profile to receive statistics about your games.
    • This checkbox is in your user profile. It's useful to receive weekly game stats via email (like the number of sessions from the last week sessions and the total from the current year to date).
  • Various minor UI changes

as well as the improvements from the beta version:

  • Add major improvements to the platformer engine to better handle slopes and moving platforms (Thanks @D8H!)
  • Add an option in the Sprite editor to allow animations to play even when the object is hidden/outside the screen.
  • Add support for using arbitrary URLs for images/sounds/resources in the web-app.
  • Improved previews and implement support for the Debugger in the web-app.
  • Clarify names of particle types in the Particle Emitter editor (Thanks @tristanbob!)
  • Update naming of events in the menus to make them easier to understand (Thanks @Midhil457!)
  • Show the preview window, when corresponding preference is enabled, above the editor but not above all windows on the screen (Thanks @arthuro555!)
  • Add CrazyGames.com in the links where to publish a HTML5 game

⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples

  • Add an experimental In-App Purchase extension (thanks arthuro555 !)
    • This allows to sell items or premium features in games published on the stores on Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store).
    • This extension is still experimental - and more complex than other things to set up. Be sure to read the explanation page on the wiki.
  • Update Rectangular Movement extension:
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the behavior from using the objects existing location (it would position the object at 0,0).
    • Updated default properties so it moves with "rectangular movement" by default (previous setting was only horizontal movement)
  • Improve Values of Multiple Objects extension's namings and expressions
    • Add link to playable example.
  • Added new extension: Room Based Camera Movement (thanks Elairyx7301!)
    • Move and zoom camera to the "room" object that contains the "trigger" object (usually the player).
  • Fix handling of object size in "Stay On Screen" extension (thanks @Bouh!).
  • [CameraShake] Fixed rounding bug that caused drift on the camera.
  • [ShakeObject] Fixed rounding bug that caused drift of object.
  • Add Turn Based Fighting example (thanks shadow00dev!)
  • Add a card system example (thanks D8H!)
  • Add Raycast debug view example (thanks @Bouh!)
    • A simple example showing how raycast detects objects.

as well as the improvements from the beta version:

  • Fix compressor extension
  • Fix Rewarded Video for YandexGamesSDK (thanks @fedoric!)
  • Fix a sentence in extension FlashTransitionPainter (thanks @westboy31!)
  • Add Pixel Art Vehicle Pack by Kenney.nl (packaged by @Midhil457)
  • Add Kenney Font Pack by Kenney.nl (packaged by @Midhil457)
  • Add Simple Space Pack by Kenney.nl (packaged by @Midhil457)
  • Add Kenney Isometric Pack by Kenney.nl (packaged by @Midhil457)
  • Add label on GitHub when submitting a new example (thanks @Midhil457!)
  • Update description of the Virtual Joystick example (thanks @Midhil457!)
  • Add missing authors to the examples (thanks @Bouh!)
  • Update Sticker extension and add random crew member selection in "Stick Objects" example (thanks @D8H!)

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix Tiled Sprite being incorrectly displayed (pixelated) when the X/Y offset was too large.
  • Fix the display of the decreased build limits after exporting a game.
  • Fix arrow keys wrongly triggering page scroll when playing a game embedded in a web page.
  • Don't list the current scene/external event name in a Link event when choosing what to include (Thanks @Oxey405!)
    • This prevents an infinite loop/crash if launching a preview after selecting the current scene/external events in a link of the same scene/external events.
  • Fix platforms sometimes not properly detected when rotated and at the edge of the scene (Thanks @D8H!)
  • Fix TimeScale expression not shown in expressions autocompletion
    • Also fix inconsistent naming of time scale related actions/conditions and expressions.
  • Fix a typo for rotate toward angle and position in the event sheet sentence (Thanks @MyNameIsRinax!)
  • Fix a typo for rotate action in the event sheet sentence (Thanks @Midhil457!)

as well as the improvements from the beta version:

  • Fix a glitch where a sound being played at a low volume can actually be heard at a high volume for a split second.
  • Fix contributors list (Thanks @Midhil457!)
  • Fix user not always logged when opening export after relaunching the app
  • Fix potential crash in the scene editor.

🛠 Internal changes (for developers)

  • Refactor the implementation of the Tween behavior (Thanks @arthuro555!)
  • Avoid fetching again a JSON in the game engine when it's already being fetched (Thanks @D8H)

as well as the improvements from the beta version:

  • Update esbuild and enable minification (Thanks @arthuro555!)
  • Refactor gdjs.Logger to allow disabling specific log groups in the console

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