Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.123
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.0.123
Released: 2021-12-03
Release Assets:
💝 Improvements
- Animate opening of lists in the Project Manager, action/condition selector and in the Debugger (Thanks @Midhil457!)
- Allow usage of custom ICE servers in the P2P extension (Thanks @arthuro555!)
- Move scene variables into their own category in actions/conditions/expressions (Thanks @Midhil457!)
⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples
- Add "Idle object tracker" behavior
- Provides a condition checking if an object did not move for a certain amount of time (configurable, with a configurable tolerance for the movement too)
- New extension "WebSocket client" (thanks @arthuro555!)
- This allows for connecting to a WebSockets server from GDevelop. An extension to create WebSocket servers in GDevelop will follow soon!
- Fix "is inside" in Marching Square extension, add line drawing and hitboxes generation (thanks @D8H!)
- Add BehaviorRemapper extension (thanks Add00!)
- This extension allows remapping the default keyboard controls of behaviors in one action.
- Change all default package name to start with com.example (thanks @Midhil457!)
- Useful to trigger a warning in GDevelop if used as is.
- Add an example of a spider throwing a web (thanks @SashaWerto!)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix the "separate" action when there are several obstacles (Thanks @D8H!)
- Previously an object colliding with multiple objects would have been "pushed" too far from the two colliding objects. Now, it gets properly separated, in a much more natural way, avoiding some shaking/flickering on corners or when involving multiple obstacles.
- Fix crash when modifying the operator for an action or condition of a "color" property of a behavior
- Fix debugger actions not hiding properly after opening it
- Fix sounds sometimes not playing after the first time being played
- Fix tweens automatically deleting the object sometimes affecting newly created objects
- Fix the layer of the created object not shown for the "Create object" action in the events sheet
- Fix wrong mention of extensions instead of examples in a text (Thanks @Midhil457!)
- Fix tabs in preference dialog disappearing when scrolling in the dialog (Thanks @Midhil457!)