Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.128

💝 Improvements

Liluo.io improvements 🎮

More and more options are being added to allow creators to configure their game published on Liluo.io!

  • Let users define the game description
  • Let users define an orientation on mobile
  • Let users define if their game can be played with a keybord, a gamepad or a mobile
  • Improve wording and design across the publishing flow to Liluo
  • Improve the export to warn when the game is too big to be uploaded
  • Display game consolidated analytics on the analytics page of the game dashboard

New "Text Input" object ⌨️

  • This object displays a field where the player can type a text.
  • The cursor can be moved and the text can be selected and entered like any other input field according to the platform. For example, you can use all the usual keyboard shortcuts or emoji pickers on desktop. On mobile, all the usual gestures are supported, emoji pickers, text selection, clipboard...
  • You can choose between different input field types: text, text area, email, password, phone number... This allows the keyboards to be adapted on mobile devices. The password field will also hide what is entered by the user.
    • Because the object is way more convenient to use (and actually works on mobile devices) than the Text Entry object, it is recommended you use it almost always instead of the Text Entry object.
  • This object has 2 limitations, because it's using the native capabilities of the platform to display a "native" input field: the Z order can't be changed (the object is always displayed on top of the game) and no effects can be displayed. Because it's handled by the operating system, it may also slightly differ on each platform.
    • It's recommended you avoid displaying the object outside of a menu or a static UI, as it may not always display exactly at a position synchronised with the rest of the rendering of the game, especially if used in a fast paced or moving scene.

UI improvements ✨

  • Improve user experience with translation
    • Disable auto translating in search results to prevent crashes due to conflicts between search results highlight and dom handling by translators
    • Add language selector in Preferences dialog
    • Automatically set gdevelop language on first use based on browser language
  • Show a warning message and a warning underline in the events sheet when a variable name looks wrong (quotes, spaces, wrongly looking expression)
  • Sort actions/conditions in categories add icons to their groups
    • This should make it easier to identify and find actions/conditions. Categories give more clarity and icons help to identify what's available without reading everything.
  • Add autocompletion for external layout fields
  • Clarify actions in object removal dialog regarding references
  • Do not select sprite when using mouse middle click to pan in the scene editor
    • Also select the instance under the cursor when doing a right click in the scene editor
  • Improve copy pasting objects on the scene
    • When pasting objects, the pasted objects are selected
    • Fix the possibility to undo/redo an object paste
  • Move the deprecated property of the platformer object behavior into a specific group
  • Select parameter content when editing it from the event sheet
  • UI minor improvements and fixes
    • Change help link for light object
    • Set new object default name depending on its type
    • Make object input sticky at the bottom in ObjectGroupEditor
    • Force loss of focus on sliders when mouse is up
    • Add possibility to close editor tabs with mouse middle click
    • Use user preferred theme to set IDE loading screen background color
  • Use the extension name as file name when saving it
  • When browsing search results in event sheet, start from currently selected event
  • Rework slightly the true/false and yes/no fields to make clearer they are switches
  • Add an expression to use Tween easing functions
    • This is useful to do easing with other formulas rather than the classic "lerp".
  • Improve search and highlight results when searching for a condition/action/object/group
  • Switch the game engine documentation to TypeDoc
    • This adds link between types, a more readable rendering, a better search and, more generally, makes the game engine documentation much easier to browse.
  • Increase contrast of the buttons to add events

⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples

  • Update Extended variables extension
  • Update ExtendedMath: Change ToFixed() to return a string instead of a number (thanks @tristanbob!)
    • "ToFixed()" now returns a string instead of a number. This matches the javascript function and is helpful because whole numbers will now show the right number of zeroes.
    • NOTE: This is a breaking change. If you upgrade to this version, make sure to update every expression that uses "ToFixed()".
  • Add various improvements to Drag Camera With Pointer extension (thanks @tristanbob!)
    • Allow user to specify mouse button to use for dragging the camera
    • Cleaned up logic to use fewer events
    • Added prefix to variables to prevent collision with user variables (best practice)
    • Updated descriptions
  • New extension CameraZoom to zoom at a given speed
    • Add actions to zoom with a specified anchor point
  • [GamePad] Remove console.error when no buttons are pressed

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix the platformer extension to avoid characters to be pushed downward when colliding a jumpthru while landing on another platform at the exact same time
  • Fix displaying the "game update" link for Liluo.io when the user is not the owner of the game
  • Fix usage of the legacy trajectory for platformer objects for old project files.
  • Fix shortcuts removed by user still displayed, even if not working (Thanks @nilaymaj!)
  • Fix various UI alignment issues
    • Action/condition icon aligment
    • Aligment of true/false or yes/no switches
    • Fix scrollbars shown when the action/condition parameters editor is too tight
  • Fix help buttons for some objects
  • Fix resources sometimes duplicated when scanning resources in the project folder on Windows

🛠 Internal changes (for developers)

  • [Light] Remove the dependency from LightRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer to BehaviorRBushAABB
  • [PathFinding] Remove the dependency from PathfindingRuntimeBehavior to BehaviorRBushAABB

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