Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.0.136
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.0.136
Released: 2022-06-09
Release Assets:
💝 Improvements
Asset Store revamped!
Multiple things have been done on the Asset store to make it easier to use:
- List asset packs on the homepage
- Add support for displaying external (optionally, paid) asset packs in the Asset Store
- If you're an author of a paid asset pack, feel free to reach out to the GDevelop team on Discord or on the forum to get your pack listed!
- Give the possibility to add an asset pack as a whole
- New Dialog indicating how many assets are already in the project
- Option to add only the remaining assets
- Add filters on animation, viewpoint, dimension, object type, color and license to the search
- Better asset details page
- List the animation(s) and show a preview of the object
- Give asset suggestions after selecting an asset in the store
🎉 A big thank you to everyone in the community that gave a bit of their time to take part into some user research chats and explained their experience with GDevelop and the asset store: Doomsday, HelperMuzan, Melon, Breed, TheBeeDev, ArticMan, Hussinali121, dmendz, teo, jumpingj, Jurfix, THEspectre, Crimson Dan x (Kurimuzondan), VegeTato, Entropy.
Expression errors are now directly shown in the event sheet!
- In an effort to improve the Events Sheet usability and speed to debug problems, the errors resulting from an expression are now displayed directly in the events sheet
New "Modern" Dark theme!
- This theme brings some changes to make the interface more readable to new users (outlined buttons) and a more modern approach (vibrant color, rounded buttons). It's still based on Material Design and similar to other themes, but is a first step toward an improved interface.
- Feel free to give us feedback on this theme on Discord or the Forum, we tried to test it as much as we could but we may have missed things!
Engine/Events improvements
- Add camera borders expressions and conditions
- Add CameraBorderLeft, CameraBorderRight, CameraBorderTop and CameraBorderBottom expressions and conditions
- Add CameraCenterX and CameraCenterY expressions and hide CameraX and CameraY expressions
- Preload sounds sequentially to avoid overloading the browser (Thanks @dos1!)
- Trying to preload all sounds at once can overwhelm the browser in case of projects with many big sound files. Load the files sequentially, the same way images are being preloaded.
- Disable the autocomplete for Text Input objects to avoid browsers trying to pre-fill with sensitive data
- Update the mouse buttons status when the cursor comes back inside the game view
UI/UX Improvements
- Added an option to remove all unused resources (Thanks @Oxey405!)
- Update all dialogs to have a way to close or submit with shortcut, except the ones with significant change
- Rework events Drag&Drop in events sheet
- The Drag&Drop was clunky and causing unexpected jumps in the editor. It has been completely reworked to be more performant and reliable
- Improve undo and redo in events sheet
- Doing a CTRL/CMD + Z in the events sheet now scrolls back to the previously modified event(s)
- The event(s) are selected to highlight the change that was made with this undo/redo action, if possible
- Add links to extension creators public profile pages in the extension pages on the wiki
- Clear authors and publishers when opening project after creation to avoid carrying over the original author of examples
- Improve Search bars placeholders across the app to be more explicit
⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples
- Toggle Switch
- Update to only change state if the click started on the object
- ScreenWrap
- Fix IsWrapping conditions (Thanks @Entr0py404 and planktonfun)
- Discord Rich Presence
- Fix the extension for GD <v135 - This is due to a change in internal APIs. The extension should still work for older versions of GDevelop. (Thanks @arthuro555 !)
- New Casual Buttons Pack by Andre Holtz
- New asset packs: pzUH and Emotes (Thanks @Entr0py404 !)
- Fix Red Hero climbing frames order
- NEW game template: Parking Jam
- Swipe cars into the road to clear the parking lot
- Relieve stress by crashing the cars into each other
- Enable speedrun mode to compete on the leaderboard!
- NEW game template: "The Conviction of Gun Dude"
- A fun game inspired by the gameplay from The Binding of Isaac
- NEW leaderboard game example with Highscore and Speedrun modes
- Created leaderboard example using new GDevelop leaderboards
- Moved the firebase leaderboard example
- NEW example for a rope physics with the Physics 2.0 behavior, made by @HardTranceFan
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix sounds being looped correctly on Firefox (Thanks @dos1!)
- Upgrading Howler.js to v2.2.3 fixes sounds not being looped under recent Firefox versions (see https://github.com/goldfire/howler.js/issues/1442)
- Fix leaderboard reset action that used to timeout
- Fix loss of data when editing variables from the instance properties panel
🛠 Internal changes (for developers)
- Save template slug in project
- Reduce size of events in JSON by not writing empty events/sub-instructions arrays