Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.1.154

Warning Use GDevelop 5.1.155 which contains important bug fixes for this version.

🗺 Add support for LDtk Tilemaps, as well as Tiled tmj and tsj files (thanks @daiyam!)

  • Tilemaps made with LDtk, a modern 2D level editor, can be now used directly. Make sure to save your map made in LDtk as a JSON file, create a new Tilemap object in GDevelop and in the Tilemap field, choose the LDtk file.
  • Tilesets used by the LDtk Tilemap are automatically imported in your game - you don't need to import them separately.
  • Tilemaps made in Tiled can also now be read and used directly when saved using the .tmj extension, or tsj for optional external tilesets, making them easier to find in a large project.
  • For more information, read about the Tilemap object on the wiki.

Tilemaps from LDtk or Tiled are supported

🖼 The asset store is now accessible from the app home screen

You can browse free and premium asset packs from the home page, under the tab "Shop".

  • When you have found great assets for your game, it's easy to add them in your game in a click. You can choose them to add them to a scene or as global objects of your game.
  • You can now also find the asset store directly on the GDevelop website.

The asset store

If you're interested about selling your assets on the GDevelop asset store, check our wiki page to find how it works and the form to send us your assets.

💝 Improvements

  • The speed of installation of assets was improved, and for assets containing custom objects, like menu buttons, if an extension needs an update, a confirmation dialog is shown.
  • Add an option to enable player authentication by default when creating a new project.
  • Add support for opacity of layers for Tiled tilemaps (thanks @daiyam!)
  • Scene editor improvements:
    • When pasting instances after cutting them, they are now pasted on top of the rest of the scene (highest Z order).
    • Use a constant zoom speed on the scene editor and on image preview, regardless of zoom factor.
  • The search in the asset store is now launch automatically when typing.
  • Add an expression to get the number of frames in the current animation of a sprite object.
  • Add possibility to drag'n'drop items in the project manager (scenes, external layouts, external events, extensions).
  • Add descriptions to a various parameters in actions and conditions
  • Put beginner courses on top of Learn section.
  • Allow text selection on game feedback cards.
  • Update shortcuts to close project and quit app to match other app standards.
  • Correctly display asset authors coming from premium asset packs.
  • Improve instance properties by hiding unnecessary decimals in various fields:
    • Resizing, moving or rotating an instance in the editor will now round the properties to the nearest integer for ease of use.
    • This does not prevent entering digits in the instance properties directly
    • Various wrong behaviors were also fixed for these fields.

⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples

  • New fonts that can be freely used in games are now in the asset store.

  • New premiums packs: Flat Icon Pack, Gift Boxes, Items Tiers by Rhos

  • New premium pack: Bitboy by comerce.

  • New free packs: Fantasy RPG character pack by Franuka and Breakable Physics by Kenney.nl (thanks @Entr0py404 for packaging these assets!).

  • [Color conversion] Add expressions for calculating the luminance of colors according to WCAG 2.0 standards (thanks @Ahnaf30e!)

  • [DrawShockWaveEffect] [Community] Draw a shock wave animation that looks like an explosion and other visual effects. Thanks @Alios5 for this beautiful extension!

    • Shock wave shape can be a circle or star pattern.
    • How to use:
      • Assign behavior to a shape-painter object
      • Create the shape-painter object where you want the shock wave to appear
      • Shock wave animation will start automatically
      • Shape-painter will delete itself after the animation is finished
  • [ExplosionForce] Minor changes to description and logic: cleaned up descriptions and added an object variable for angle of force (thanks @tristanbob!)

  • [Isometry] Simplify events of the example

  • [Recolorizer] Fix pixel art sprites blurring and add a scene to recolorize a pixel-art sprite

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix editor that was setting the Z order of a new instance a bit randomly.
  • Fix leaderboard administration dialog closing when trying to remove a leaderboard.
  • Fix setting scene background color setting using the text field.
  • Do not close context menu when clicking on checkbox items on the web-app.
  • Properly close all the dialogs at the same time when creating a project from an example.

🛠 Internal changes (for developers)

  • Update service worker to put translations in cache.
    • This should prevent unwanted {0} appearing on the web for each update
  • Fix event-based objects properties that were changing for all instances at once
    • It was only affecting properties defined in the event-based objects not the one from child-object configurations.
  • Update README with a link to the GDevelop Tutorials repository

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