Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.1.162

🎁 Create 3D games with GDevelop

You can now create 3D games with GDevelop: from classic 2D games with 3D elements to full 3D games. This is only the beginning, and many more game engine and editor improvements will be released in the next GDevelop versions.

Racing game example screenshot

The same intuitive interface you know and love remains, but with powerful new tools and capabilities at your fingertips. We have designed this 3D upgrade with the same principles that guided us in the development of our 2D game engine: simplicity, accessibility, and power.

Note While it has been a lot of work to bring 3D to GDevelop, it's just the beginning and many more 3D objects, tools and a full 3D editor are in the works. In the meantime, 3D objects will appear as 2D in the scene editor.

Gun stand shooting game example screenshot

For those of you eager to start creating, the 3D upgrade is available starting today. Download the latest version of GDevelop and dive into the third dimension! We are excited to see what amazing 3D worlds you will create. So, gear up, it's time to take your creativity to a new dimension!

As always, we are grateful for your continued support and feedback, which helps us make GDevelop even better. Here's to the future of game development! 🎉

💝 Improvements

Efficiency and UX improvements

  • Allow to copy and paste effects from one object (or layer) to another object (or layer)
  • Allow to copy and paste behaviors from one object to another
  • Allow drag and drop or copy and paste of properties in the extension editor
  • Rework multiple fields to allow a quick selection (external layouts, animations, effects and effect parameters)
  • Show invalid resources errors in the event sheet
  • Add possibility to close preview window with Cmd/Ctrl + W
  • Allow to lock layers in the editor

New actions, conditions and expressions

  • Add an action to focus a text input object
    • Useful to let the player type something without having them manually clicking/touching the input on the screen.
  • Add support for mouse "Forward" and "Back" buttons (Thanks @st-Wook!)
  • Add 2 expressions for the Tiled Sprite to get X & Y offset of the displayed image.

Improvements for extensions

  • Add a button to report extension issues
  • Allow event extensions to declare variable parameters.
  • Add a special object parameter to handle object creation in extensions
    • It allows extension users to apply actions to the created objects.

Other improvements

  • Add some tooltips in the Events Sheet
  • Update to the new forum URL in some part of the interface (Thanks @st-Wook!)
  • Add possibility to open events context menu on iOS devices
  • Improve command palette on mobile
  • Add text field to search in documentation on home page learn section
  • In the collision mask and points editors, press space to grab the whole canvas and pan around.
    • It also fixes the Physics2 polygon editor that wasn't refreshed when dragging a vertex.
  • Allow deleting your account from the profile, if you want to leave the GDevelop community forever (this can't be undone).
  • Set collision mask zoom bounds relatively to the default zoom
  • Improve errors when registering game with translations
  • Check other scenes for conflicts when creating or manipulating global objects and groups
  • Allow to open or download resources of a cloud project from the Resources tab of a project

⚙️ Extensions

Reviewed extensions

  • [Advanced Projectile]
    • Controls how a projectile moves including speed, acceleration, distance, and lifetime.
  • [Mouse Pointer Lock]
    • Fixed to return more accurate travel distance.
  • [RenderToSprite]
    • Fix: Respect project scale mode. The render to sprite extension would always use linear scaling instead of the scale mode set in the project settings, this ensures that the project's scale mode is respected.
  • [Bounce]
    • Add "Bounce Count" property (and simplified wording)
  • [Button states] Use any object as a button
    • Tracks player interaction with an object, including "hovered", "pressed", and "clicked".
  • [Gamepad]
    • Handle advanced vibrations to vibrate controllers separately (Thanks @lhphr, @ZachjuKamashi, @Bouh!)
    • Add a 4-players game example link in the description.
    • Add the support of rumble for each player.

Community extensions

  • New extensions

    • [Poki games SDK] Use this extension to be able to publish your game on Poki platform
    • [Joint Connector] Create and manage physics joints between two objects (thanks @tristanbob, @arthuro555)
  • Update [Curved movement]

    • Handle the exponential notation for numbers in SVG paths
    • Add an help page
    • Fix SVG paths with relative lines

🎨 Assets

New free asset packs:

  • Beatscapes, including 3 musics by @yunnieXx.

New premium asset packs:

By Elv:

By Reactorcore:

By GDevelop:

By Claudiu Rentea:

🕹 Examples

  • New examples
    • Advanced Projectile: Control how a projectile object moves including speed, acceleration, distance, and lifetime thanks to the new "Advanced projectile" extension.
    • Joint connector: Test the "Joint connector" extension.
    • Candy Shake: Test the "Swipe gesture" extension.
    • Buttons: Update to use "Button States" extension and panel sprite buttons.
  • Update examples with the latest version of the Gamepad extension v0.5.0

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix the tile map scale action
    • Operators +=, -=, *= and /= were making previews crash.
  • Fix TextInput having extra margins on iOS
  • Fix generated .exe not working if the project name contains special characters
  • Fix collision mask editor image border size
  • Fix long touch not working on the project list on iOS
  • Prevent loss of focus when editing the value of an object variable in the instance properties panel
  • Correctly detect project manager open to fix some stall guided lessons
  • Fix editor crashing when deleting an object or a layer for which an instance was selected
  • Fix layers being locked off when adding a new one
  • Fix 3D objects being cut off around Z = 0.

🛠 Internal changes (for developers)

  • Improve bug report template on GitHub (Thanks @st-Wook!)
  • Clean markdown files and fix typos (Thanks @st-Wook!)
  • Change Bug report issue template to Github Forms (Thanks @st-Wook!)
  • Remove an error in the console about updating the state of an unmounted component
  • Upgrade Posthog

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