Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.2.171
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.2.171
Released: 2023-08-29
Release Assets:
Warning This version contains known performance issues and bugs that are now fixed. Please prefer using v5.2.172 and above.
Important Games being created with this version of GDevelop won't work on previous versions of GDevelop (as a new, cleaner version of some actions/conditions have been introduced internally). Make sure to backup your game so that you can go back to a previous version of GDevelop while this version is being tested.
Support for Unicode (emojis, accented characters, Arab, Cyrillic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese...) in object names, as well as in any name in the editor
Objects, groups, behaviors, extensions, and functions now have support for Unicode names.
- This allows to use emojis, accented characters, CJK languages and any word from any language to name anything in GDevelop. This should be very useful for Non-English speaking users.
- As this is still experimental, this must be activated in the preferences of GDevelop. This will be activated by default once this is proven to work without bugs.
Autosave for Cloud projects
A new autosave feature is automatically enabled for Cloud projects:
- Cloud projects are now autosaved on each game preview. Should the editor crash, it will help recover your project.
- The saved project is stored on the device for performance reasons.
Warning If you're using GDevelop online on a public computer, this feature saves a copy of your project in the browser storage. To make sure no one can access it, make sure to log out the editor when you leave the computer.
Simplified list of actions/conditions (no more duplicated actions/conditions that are in common between objects)
- Actions, conditions and expressions related to opacity, size (width/height), scale, animations and other common features are now visible only once when you search for them in actions/conditions (instead of being shown once for every type of object supporting them). This reduces the risk of confusion for new or existing users, notably when multiple versions of the same action were returned by the search and was making it difficult to choose the proper one.
- Internally, this works thanks to default, built-in behaviors that are supported by the objects.
Important Games being created with this version of GDevelop won't work on previous versions of GDevelop (as a new, cleaner version of actions/conditions have been introduced internally). Make sure to backup your game so that you can go back to a previous version of GDevelop while this version is being tested.
💝 Improvements
- Improvements for 3D:
- When resizing a 3D object with Shift pressed (or when resizing multiple objects), the depth of the object is also scaled proportionally This will make the authoring of 3D levels easier.
- Add a default 3D light on any new layer (this won't affect performance for 2D games).
- UX improvements:
- At project opening, reopen the tabs that were opened when it was closed.
- The editor will now automatically fix object, group, function, behavior, or property names when an incorrect one is entered - instead of displaying an error message and losing the name that was entered. Same for scenes, external events, external layouts and extension names in the project manager. This is easier to understand and avoids breaking the creative workflow (for example: if you enter a space, it will be automatically removed without asking you to rewrite the entire name).
- Improve asset store with asset pack search, filters and navigation.
- Simplify the context menus in the Events Sheet. Also display shortcuts for the most used commands, both in the menus and in the toolbar.
- Simplify confirmation of deletion of leaderboards by asking to type "delete" instead of the full leaderboard name.
- Filter autocompleted tags according to community visibility setting. This avoids to show tags that gives no results.
- Allow JavaScript extensions to use resource parameters.
- Deprecate actions that uses an expression for resources (instead, a field will be shown to select a resource, like in an object).
- Move some Tween actions in "Size" and "Visibility" groups.
- Improved autocompletions of behavior functions on object in expressions: the behavior icon is now shown.
- Add a shortcut (Cmd/Ctrl+G) to move selected events in a new group
⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples
- [Sticker] Allow to destroy stuck objects with their parent
- [Screen wrap] Fix physics version that had copy/paste errors from non-physics version (thanks @MelonDev!)
- [Flash] Removed deprecated lifecycle function
- [Object Slicer] Fix bug in parameter name for condition to delete object
- [Flash object] Add ability to flash color tint, object effect, and opacity (fade)
- Added FlashColor, FlashEffect, and FlashOpacity behaviors
- When "Flash object" action is used during a pre-existing flash, simply extend the duration of the flashing. Previously, it always performed "hide object", potentially causing the object to be hidden too much. (Thanks @Entr0py404!)
- [Rectangle Movement] Update: Add option to select the position on the border (inside, center, outside)
- [Advanced HTTP] A new extension for creating advanced HTTP requests, with FormData/JSON requests, Custom Headers, CORS Bypass, advanced response handling, and more! (thanks @arthuro555!)
- [3D particle emitter] This add a new object that display a large number of particles to create visual effects in 3D.
- New extension: SelectionTools
- This provides functionality to draw different types of selections in order to select object instances present on the scene.
- This allows to do a rectangular selection, a polygonal selection, or a lasso selection.
- This extension is perfect to let the player selects units or items on the screen.
- [3D tween] Smoothly animate scale and rotation of 3d models
- Add a new premium 3D pack: KayKit Adventurers Character by Kay Lousberg
- Add a new premium 3D pack: KayKit Dungeon Remastered by Kay Lousberg
- Add Mega Bundle By Reactocore
- Add a panel sprite object in the free Western RPG pack.
- Add multiple 9-patch objects for the terrain to the Pixel Adventure Pack.
- [3D Lane Runner] Add leaderboards
- [3D Car Coin Hunt] Add leaderboards
- [Object Slicer] Fix a bug in parameter name in the condition to delete an object
- [Load Testing] Add ability to drag red hero and to change scenes repeatedly.
- [Flash Object] Learn how to use the "Flash object" extension
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix project file name when creating a new project.
- Fix effects on objects composing custom objects that weren't displayed at runtime.
- Fix 3D filters making 2D games crash.
- Fix actions disappearing when wrongly translated with the same name in a non english language translation
- Fix "Share your extension" not redirecting to the proper page on the documentation (Thanks @st-Wook!)
- Fix unused resources clean up to keep resources used in effects.
- Fix missing tags for installed extensions in the behavior list.
- Fix layers deletion when instances are in several external layouts.
- Fix the "Select instances on scene" menu action in external layouts.
- Fix the information icon color in the new behavior dialog.
- Show warning and revert to automatic collision mask if deleting the last frame of a sprite object.
- No longer automatically fill the behavior parameter from "activate behavior" actions when there are multiple choices
🛠 Internal changes (for developers)
- Create a devcontainer to do some basic development task via GitHub codespaces.