Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.3.181
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.3.181
Released: 2023-11-22
Release Assets:
💝 Improvements
Personalized Get Started page
A New Get Started page has been added to GDevelop. 🚀 After a few questions, it will now suggest Tutorials, Articles, Guided lessons and more, based on your usage of the platform. Go check it out!
Other improvements
- Improve resources watching performance
- Remove file watching unnecessary redefinifition when switching tabs
- Remove any
folder from being watched (for project using versioning with git) - Exclude project files (when configured to save scenes and events in different files) from being watched
- Improve condtions/actions listing
- Fix some objects actions and conditions not being under the right category
- Define groups for some behavior actions and conditions
- Use the description to match actions/conditions when using the search
- Move the deprecated actions and conditions to the bottom of the list
- Objects list improvements
- Remove spell check on inputs
- Unselect item when a parent is closed (and the item becomes not visible)
- Allow to remove folder with all the objects contained in it (recursively)
- Improve selected row color on all themes
- Add hover effects on rows
- Allow using resources as behavior properties (Thanks @arthuro555!)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix camera flickering when "pixel rounding" is enabled
- Fix the grid/mask checkbox not updated when toggled on the web-app (Thanks @mehrabsha!)
- Fix some memory leaks in the scene editor
- Fix a possible crash of the instance editor when updating a sprite
- Fix calling methods on Texture frame which can be null when an image is updated
- Fix a broken link in the extension list page
- Fix objects dragging preview by putting back previous behavior: only show object thumbnail and hide it when hovering the scene
- Fix dragging of objects list placeholder row crashing the objects list
- Fix a memory and CPU leak when a finished tween is replaced
- Fix crash with 'Put the object around another' action when target object was not existing
- Hide "Open Project folder" button in Resources tab when not a local project.
⚙️ Extensions
- [Double Key Press] It allows to check double key presses (thanks @NiQsterVX).
- [WithThreeJs] Supports GDevelop v5.3.180
🎨 Assets
New premium packs
By SlumberParty_Games:
By Adam Morton:
By GDevelop:
- Produce Farm City
- Produce Farm Fishing
- Produce Farm Barn Animals
- Produce Farm interface
- Table top checker
- Table top interface
🕹 Examples
- [Tween Test] Duplicate the scene to test current and deprecated actions
- Fix default leaderboard configuration that prevented leaderboards from being copied at the example opening for examples: Tappy Plane, Run Dino Run, 3D Lane runner, 3D Car Coin Hunt.