Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.3.190

✨ New perks for subscribers

Starting this month, every subscriber will have access to two new perks!

Monthly credit give away

Silver, Gold and Pro (formerly called Startup) users will receive credits on a monthly basis. This table will let you find how many credits you earn according to the GDevelop membership you have.

GDevelop coin as a logo for credits

Asset packs to claim

Gold and Pro users will also have the possibility to unlock for free a new asset pack every month, to see it search into the Asset Store into the app. Once claimed, you will have access to it forever.

The Asset Pack give away is organised by the GDevelop team. It changes each month so stay tuned!

Screenshot of the asset store with an asset pack with a banner that says

🌟 Use GDevelop credits to get items from the asset store - and choose between asset licenses

You can now purchase items from the Asset Store using your GDevelop credits - in addition to using traditional, secure payment methods like Paypal or Credit Cards.

Remember that you can also use credits to purchase promotional packages to boost your game in the GDevelop ecosystem.

Starting from now, it's also possible when buying an asset pack or a template to choose if you want to buy the commercial version - allowing you to publish a game made with it - or the unlimited commercial version - which allows you to use it on as many commercial, published game you need.

Screenshot of the asset store with a new button to purchase an asset pack with credits

💝 Improvements

  • Add again a button to see more templates on the build section
  • Display promotion items on the homepage
  • Show all products on mobile app stores, purchasable with GDevelop credits
  • Keep original object and resource names when exporting assets
  • Introducing first 3D effects for layer (also called "post processing effects"):
    • You can now use "Bloom" and "Color adjustment" effects for 3D layers.
    • A lower quality anti-aliasing is now used when post-processing is enabled (SMAA instead of MSAA).
    • Upgrade internal 3D rendering engine to Three.js r160.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix platformer character position when its height changes
  • Fix auto scroll to action/condition item when editing an action or condition.
  • Fix a crash that sometimes happens when several sounds are played at the same time
  • Fix conflict between opening and previewing a private game template from the store section
  • Fix parameters drop-down list for properties of type choices
  • Fix visibility of hidden extension functions starting with an object parameter from within the extension

⚙️ Extensions

  • [Third person camera] Add a smooth camera behavior
  • [3D Tween] Deprecate tween actions that are now in the built-in Tween behavior
  • [Health, Fire bullet, Smooth camera] Move some properties in the advanced section
  • [FlexBox] Downgrade FlexBox to community tier because of a memory leak

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