Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.3.195
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.3.195
Released: 2024-03-14
Release Assets:
💝 Improvements
- Improve Guided lessons
- Lessons have been slightly reworked overall
- Most languages are now supported
- A new option allows to fill a value automatically with a button, speeding up the typing part
- Notifications about game sessions achievements will now appear in your feed
- Allow to change text of custom objects like any text object
- Add action to draw a fillet rectangle with Shape painter (rounded rectangle with inverted corners) (Thanks @trp02!)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix broken editor panels drag'n'drop
- Prevent games from crashing when a scene contains a wrapped text object with a big font size
- Fix the object effect color tween action
- Fix custom object capability changes to be applied right away
- Fix 3D custom objects CenterZ expression and condition
⚙️ Extensions
- [Reviewed] [Parallax] Make the parallax start with an offset of 0
- The object can be in a layer that moves.
- [Reviewed] [3D particle] Remove object properties for position and rotation
- Position and rotation must be set with the instance editor or actions.
- [Community] [WithThreeJs] Fixed an issue where warnings were not displayed - Thanks @PANDAKO-GitHub
- [Community] [Countdown timer] Fix a typo in the restart action name - Thanks @TheGemDev
- [Community] [3D camera shake] Shake layer cameras on 3 rotations
🕹 Premium Game Templates
New template by Vegetato: Roguelite
Developer Changelog
- Add TypeScript type checking to JsExtension.js files (Thanks @arthuro555!)