Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.3.201
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.3.201
Released: 2024-04-25
Release Assets:
✨ Instance properties panel rework
The instance properties panel of the scene editor has been reworked into a more compact and user-friendly panel. Read the documentation about this panel to learn everything that it offers.
💾 Autosave for Cloud projects
A new autosave feature is automatically enabled for Cloud projects:
- Cloud projects are now autosaved on each game preview. Should the editor crash, it will help recover your project.
- The saved project is stored on the device for performance reasons.
Warning If you're using GDevelop online on a public computer, this feature saves a copy of your project in the browser storage. To make sure no one can access it, make sure to log out the editor when you leave the computer.
💝 Improvements
- Use new icons for variable parameters in events
- Improve user profiles by showing games, asset packs and game templates made by the user
- The app now shows the same profiles as those you can see on gd.games
- Disable rating of feedbacks that have no text
- Add tutorials in the Learn page for education subscribers
- Increase lower toolbars size and padding on mobile
- Add a field to enter the GitHub username in the user profile
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix the particles emitter not to delete itself when the emission is paused
- Fix: Remove useless horizontal scroll in tree view
- Fix: Holding space now prevents from resize/rotating an instance (Thanks @LeonardoAlvess!)
- Fix missing object name field in some object editors
- Fix Sprite collision mask updating when animation frames don't share the same one
- Fix asset pack & game template licenses being correctly purchased
- An issue was always selecting the first license when the purchase dialog opened
- Fix some crashes when conditions with objectList are used without any behavior
- Fix cloud project autosave crash happening in particular situations
- Fix undefined resources when opening cloud project autosave after a time of inactivity
- Fix dimensions set to 0 0 0 on instance when switching layer
- Fix Platformer "is on platform" condition that was no longer doing anything
- Fix animation placeholder vertical centering in the Sprite object editor
⚙️ Extensions
- [Recolorizer] Update: Fix the extension to work with GDevelop 5.3.198
- [Audio by filename] NEW: Play audio with an expression as filename (Thanks @Silver-Streak!)
- [3D sprite] NEW: Animated sprite in 3D
- [3D text] NEW: Text object in 3D
- [WithThreeJs] Update: Fix compatibility issues with GDevelop 5.3.198 (Thanks @PANDAKO-GitHub!)
🎨 Assets
- New 3D packs by Quaternius:
- New 3D packs by Kaylousberg
🕹 Examples
- [Recolorizer] Update: Fix the extension to work with GDevelop 5.3.198
🕹 Premium Game Templates
by GDevelop: