Florian Rival/GDevelop: Release v5.4.219
Name: GDevelop
Owner: Florian Rival
Release: 5.4.219
Released: 2024-11-30
Release Assets:
💝 Improvements
Add a new option for layers, to keep a layer centered when the game size changes, or keep it top-left fixed (as before).
- This is useful for layers which you want to stay on the center of the screen, which works well with the new option to extend width/height of the project without cropping the game area.
- If you already move the camera using events, this won't have any impact.
- This also works well when using the Anchor behavior to position objects on the screen.
New, reworked "Create new game" dialog. It is now the entry point for creating a new game, allowing to:
- create an empty project from scratch
- (new!) use a "starting point" for your projects, to bootstrap your platformer, top-down or physics game. They are extremely simple template, with minimal gameplay, perfect for new users discovering GDevelop.
- start from a project customized by an AI,
- or as before, one of the many free or premium templates provided with GDevelop.
Add an option in the game properties to extend width or height and never crop the game area.
- This can be used to ensure your game area is always fully displayed, with a background layer on which you use the "Anchor" behavior to position a tiled sprite or other objects:
- This can be used to ensure your game area is always fully displayed, with a background layer on which you use the "Anchor" behavior to position a tiled sprite or other objects:
As well as a few more improvements:
- Projects linked to a game are now shown and can be opened directly from the game dashboard.
- If a cloud project is not shown, it's usually enough to open it from the Build tab and save it so that it appears in the game dashboard.
- Add "Create new folder" menu item inside "Move to folder" menu.
- Improve LAN preview network to detect local ip properly for Network previews
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix for the anchor behavior when used on layers where the camera was moved. Anchored objects will now work whatever their layer and camera position.
- Fix potential crashes in events function edition
- Also hide object groups tabs in functions (unless there are groups already) - it's not recommended to use them anymore.
- Fix custom objects inner area expansion on Z axis
- Fix variables from being renamed with a property
- Fix position conflicts between Physics and other movement behaviors
- Fix: Build tilemap renderer from an empty tilemap to be able to create tilemaps in-game
- Fix the parameter name field to avoid changing the name when no change was done
- Fix height when switching to mobile design
- Fix function configuration editor layout when shown as a side panel
- Fix publish flow to allow creating gd.games links if game is not owned
- Disable the variable editor button wrongly shown for object parameters
- Properly show error box to user when an error occurred when creating student accounts
- Fix a crash when Physics behavior is used on object smaller than 0.1 pixels
⚙️ Extensions
- [Reviewed] [Third person camera] Fix the rotation angle offset
- [Reviewed] [Flash and transition] Fix the opacity (thanks @VegeTato)
- [Community] [Flip Gravity] Fix the reset gravity action (thanks @VegeTato)
🕹 Examples
- Improve various examples descriptions
- Add "starting point" examples
🛠 Internal changes (for developers)
- Allow to provide a canvas to be used for the game rendering instead of creating a new one (thanks @danvervlad!)
- Improve typing of EventsFunctionContext
- Remove dead code related to "alwaysLoaded" (thanks @Bouh!)
- Upload files in batch for web-app previews