Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 4.1.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 4.1.0
Released: 2020-02-27
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
Major updates
- Node Material and Node material editor Doc (Deltakosh / TrevorDev)
- WebGPU preliminary support Doc (Sebavan)
- Added the "Cascaded Shadow Mapping" (CSM) shadow rendering technique (Popov72 (initiated by lockphase))
- .basis texture file format support Doc (TrevorDev)
- Navigation mesh and crowd of moving agents Doc (CedricGuillemet)
- Added Points Cloud Particle System Doc (JohnK)
- Classes decoupling ending up with smaller bundle sizes Blog (Deltakosh)
- Babylon.js controls Doc (Sebavan / Deltakosh)
- Massive WebXR updates (See below) (RaananW / TrevorDev)
- Added support for Offscreen canvas Doc (Deltakosh)
- Added support for multiple canvases with one engine Doc (Deltakosh)
- Added useReverseDepthBuffer to Engine which can provide greater z depth for distant objects without the cost of a logarithmic depth buffer (BenAdams)
- Screen space reflections post-process Doc (julien-moreau)
- Add two new clip planes (5 and 6) to get a clip cube (MickPastor)
- Added support for dual shock gamepads (Deltakosh)
- Support Vive Focus 3Dof controller (TrevorDev)
- Planar positioning support for GizmoManager (Balupg)
- ScaleGizmo and AxisScaleGizmo sensitivity factor (CedricGuillemet)
- Individual gizmos can now be enabled/disabled (Balupg)
- Unify preparation of instance attributes. Added
(MarkusBillharz) - Added support for PBR irradiance map
- Added ability to set render camera on utility layer instead of using the latest active camera (TrevorDev)
- Move normalizeToUnitCube to transformNode instead of abstract mesh and add predicate to exclude sub objects when scaling (TrevorDev)
- Method to check if device orientation is available (TrevorDev)
- Added support for sound sprites Doc (Deltakosh)
- Display Oculus Quest controller when using a Quest in WebVR (TrevorDev)
- Added startAndReleaseDragOnPointerEvents property to pointerDragBehavior which can be set to false for custom drag triggering (TrevorDev)
- Added optional picking predicate to pointerDragBehavior for filtering affected meshes (Exolun)
- Added accessor functions for
(Popov72) - Effect renderer to render one or multiple shader effects to a texture (TrevorDev)
- Added url parameters to web request modifiers (PierreLeBlond)
- Added
(Deltakosh) - Added
(aWeirdo) - Added support for 180 VR videos in
(RaananW) - Added optional parameter to use Euler angles in planeRotationGizmo (CedricGuillemet)
- Added
(Deltakosh) - Supports custom materials to generate glow through
in theGlowLayer
(sebavan) - Added
to enable use of WebGL2 2D array textures by custom shaders (atg) - Added multiview support for the shader material (and the line-mesh class) (RaananW)
- Added various (interpolation) functions to Path3D, also
(Poolminer) - Allow setting of
, for hosting the Basis transcoder locally (JasonAyre) - PNG support for browsers not supporting SVG (RaananW)
- Device orientation event permissions for iOS 13+ (RaananW)
- Added
to automatically compute theshadowMinZ
values (Popov72) - Added
to improve the shadow quality rendering (Popov72) - Improved cascade blending in CSM shadow technique (Popov72)
- Speed optimization when cascade blending is not used in CSM shadow technique (Popov72)
- Added
to overload the render list at rendering time (and possibly for each layer (2DArray) / face (Cube)) (Popov72) - Make sure all properties of CascadedShadowMap class are serialized/parsed (Popov72)
- Added
file to the Playground (Popov72) - Refactored the shadow generators code (Popov72)
- Supports clip planes with shadows (sebavan)
- Added Workbench color scheme for VSCode (drigax & Patrick Ryan)
- Playground switch buttons are more intuitive (#7601) (RaananW)
- Improved instanceMesh with user defined custom buffers Doc (Deltakosh)
- Morph targets now can morph UV channel as well (Deltakosh)
- Added MorphTarget support to the DepthRenderer, GeometryBufferRenderer and OutlineRenderer (MarkusBillharz)
- Added preprocessors for shaders to improve how shaders are compiled for WebGL1/2 or WebGPU (Deltakosh)
- Added enterPointerlock and exitPointerlock (Separated from enterFullscreen) (aWeirdo)
- Added support for
parameters toShaderMaterial
- Added support for Euler edition only for angles (can be turned off in the new inspector settings) (Deltakosh)
- Added an option to ignore backfaces for picking (can be turned on and off in the new inspector settings) (Deltakosh)
- Added support for
(Deltakosh) - Added support for scene normalization (Deltakosh)
- Added support for morph targets (Deltakosh)
- Added context menu to add
(Deltakosh) - Added support for texture creation and assignments per material (Deltakosh)
- Added support for occlusion properties (Deltakosh)
- Texture channels are now displayed in grayscale (Deltakosh)
- Ambiant and metallic maps are displayed correctly on PBR material even when using ORM packed texture (Deltakosh)
- Added support for inspectable strings (Deltakosh)
- Added support for CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget (13djwright)
- Added support for
property (Popov72) - Added an optional config option
(ycw) - Added support for ImportAnimations (noalak)
- Added support for Cascaded Shadow Maps (Popov72)
- Added context menu to add
(Deltakosh) - Added option to switch material per mesh (Deltakosh)
- Added
(mehmetoguzderin) - Added
(Deltakosh) - Added
(Deltakosh) - Added support for side by side and top bottom images in the
(Deltakosh) - Added playground ts-local (TypeScript support for local playground) (pjoe)
- Added RGBD Texture tools Sebavan
- Bumped Monaco Editor to 0.18.1 and improved TypeScript compilation pipeline in the playground (sailro)
- Added support for clickable errors in the playground (sailro)
- Added a color picker and previewer for BABYLON.ColorX invocations in the playground (sailro)
- Added support for diffing snippets in the playground (sailro)
- Added diff navigator in the playground (sailro)
- Added custom filter to remove internals from the completion in the playground (sailro)
- Added support for tagging deprecated members (both in editor and for completion) in the playground (sailro)
- Added preview area pop up for NME (Kyle Belfort)
- Added comments to frames in NME (Kyle Belfort)
- Make frames resizable in NME (Kyle Belfort)
- Implement NME Preview Area Redesign (Kyle Belfort)
- Added
which try to instantiate (or clone) a node and its entire hiearchy (Deltakosh) - Added new CreateTiledPlane and CreateTiledBox (JohnK)
- Added absolute scaling and rotation getters (haroldma)
- Added
flag to billboards allowing use of camera positioning instead of orientation for mesh rotation (delaneyj) - Added accessor functions for
(Popov72) - Generator type used in
constructor is nowTransformNode
instead ofAbstrachMesh
(Popov72) - Added the
options toMeshBuilder.CreateDashedLines
- Update Ammo.js library to support global collision contact callbacks (MackeyK24)
- Update Ammo.js library to allow native capsule shape impostors (MackeyK24)
- Update Ammo.js library to allow your own broadphase overlapping pair cache (MackeyK24)
- Update Ammo.js library for custom impostor shapes. PhysicsImpostor.CustomImposter type and AmmoJSPlugin.OnCreateCustomShape factoty function (MackeyK24)
- Update Ammo.js library and AmmoJS plugin to support ellipsoid (CedricGuillemet)
- Physics update substeps (CedricGuillemet)
- Added support for non-float accessors in animation data for glTF loader. (bghgary)
- Support loading cube data in the .basis loader (TrevorDev)
- Load glTF extras into BJS metadata (pjoe)
- Added support for morph target names via
when loading a glTF (zeux) - Added support for using HTTP range requests when loading
extension from a glTF binary. (bghgary) - Added a flag to enable/disable creation of instances for glTF loader. (bghgary)
- Added an order property to glTF loader extensions to support reordering. (bghgary)
- Added support for GLTF clearcoat extension Sebavan
- Added support for GLTF specular extension Sebavan
- Added support for GLTF sheen extension Sebavan
- Added support for GLTF mesh quantization extension (zeux)
- Added support for 8 bone influences to glTF loader (zeux)
- Added support for animations import from separate files (noalak)
- Use web workers to validate glTF to avoid blocking the main thread. (bghgary)
- Update glTF validator to 2.0.0-dev.3.1. (bghgary)
- Fix an issue with disposing materials and textures too aggressively in MSFT_lod loader extension. (bghgary)
- Added experimental support for loading KTX2 files and
glTF extension. (bghgary)
- Added
(JonathanTron) - Added
(JonathanTron) - Added get/set accessors for
(Popov72) - Added
to control the IBL strength overall in a scene (Sebavan) - Added support of image processing for
(julien-moreau) - Added
to allow Specular-Workflow energy conservation to be turned off (ColorDigital-PS). - Added support for the
functions inShaderMaterial
(Popov72) - Added
new property toMaterial
base class (Popov72) - Added
method toEngine
to allow for skipping compressed textures on certain files (abogartz)
- Added interface for argument
of screenshot methods (Dok11) - Implementation usage of precision in combination height and width params (Dok11)
- Added a parameter to
to render sprites (Popov72)
- Added
to makeSound
more flexible with URLs (nbduke) - Added
property, to enable setting custom position of audio listener (Foxhoundn)
- SpritePackedManager extends SpriteManager so that a sprite sheet with different size sprites can be used (JohnK)
- MultiPickSprite and multiPickSpriteWithRay added to sprites (JohnK)
- SpritePackedManager support for JSON Objects that where not stringified, of with the frames parameter accepting Objects and Arrays (Pryme8)
- Added
for creation of grid-based dynamically animated sprite atlas rendering (Beta) (Pryme8) - Add
property (Popov72)
WebXR / WebVR
- WebXR webVR parity helpers (Vive, WMR, Oculus Rift) (TrevorDev)
- Compliance with the mozilla WebXR emulator for chrome and firefox (RaananW)
- Use the same icon as in VR (RaananW)
- Gamepad object is now exposed in the WebXRController class (RaananW)
- If canvas does not have WebXR support the scene will still render (mainly Firefox) (RaananW)
- Added support for foveated rendering in Oculus Quest (Deltakosh)
- Added option to configure the output canvas (RaananW)
- Supporting multisampled multiview rendering using the oculus multiview extension (RaananW)
- Preparing to deprecate supportsSession in favor of isSupportedSession (RaananW)
- Added onControllerModelLoaded observable for WebXR (RaananW)
- UI Button has options to set different session mode and reference type (RaananW)
- Added option to change the teleportation duration in the VRExperienceHelper class (
- Added support to teleport the camera at constant speed in the VRExperienceHelper class (
- VRExperienceHelper has now an XR fallback to force XR usage (beta) (RaananW)
- Added option to change the teleportation easing function in the VRExperienceHelper class (
- Windows motion controller mapping corrected to XR (xr-standard) (RaananW)
- Pointer-Event simulation for screen target ray mode (RaananW)
- New observable that triggers when a session was initialized (RaananW)
- WebXR teleportation can now be disabled after initialized or before created (RaananW)
- New Features Manager for WebXR features (RaananW)
- New features - Plane detection, Hit test, Background remover (RaananW)
- XR Camera's API is Babylon-conform (position, rotationQuaternion, world matrix, direction etc') (#7239) (RaananW)
- XR Input now using standard profiles and completely separated from the gamepad class (#7348) (RaananW)
- Teleportation and controller selection are now WebXR features. (#7290) (RaananW)
- Teleportation allows selecting direction before teleporting when using thumbstick / touchpad. (#7290) (RaananW)
- It is now possible to force a certain profile type for the controllers (#7348) (RaananW)
- WebXR camera is initialized on the first frame, including copying transformation from native camera (except for in AR) (#7389) (RaananW)
- Selection has gaze mode (which can be forced) and touch-screen support (#7395) (RaananW)
- Laser pointers can be excluded from lighting influence so that they are always visible in WebXR / WebVR (#7323) (RaananW)
- Full support for the online motion controller repository (#7323) (RaananW)
- New XR feature - XR Controller physics impostor for motion controllers / XR Input sources (RaananW)
- Teleportation between different ground levels in WebXR is enabled (RaananW)
- Utility Meshes for XR (teleportation ring, selection rays) can now be rendered using a utility layer (#7563) (RaananW)
- Teleportation supports snap-to (anchor) points (#7441) (RaananW)
- Added
to translate screen to axis coordinates without checking collisions (horusscope)
- Added
to load GUI layouts from XML (null0924) - Added
option to InputText for OculusQuest(and other android base VR devices) (shinyoshiaki) - Added
to let buttons delegate hit testing to embedded controls (Deltakosh) - Added
to get more control over layout cycles (Deltakosh) - Added
to disable console warnings when controls with percentage size are added to a StackPanel (Deltakosh) - Added
functionality for loading multiple svg icons from an external svg file via icon id. Fixed bug for Chrome. Strip icon id from image url for firefox. (lockphase) - Scroll Viewer extended to include the use of images in the scroll bars(JohnK)
- Added
property to speed up rendering (Popov72) - Added
property to let the user rotate the pictures when in vertical mode (Popov72) - Modified isPointerBlocker to block mouse wheel scroll events. ScrollViewer mouse scroll no longer dependent on scene. (lockphase)
- Added
for CPU particles to let the particles live in emitter local space. Doc (Deltakosh) - Added the feature
to the Solid Particle System (jerome) - Added the feature
to the Solid Particle System (jerome) - Added the feature "storable particles" and
to the Solid Particle System (jerome) - Added the support for MultiMaterials to the Solid Particle System (jerome)
- Added support for
. Doc (Deltakosh) - Added support for
. Doc (Deltakosh)
Navigation Mesh
- Added moveAlong function to cast a segment on mavmesh (CedricGuillemet)
Node Material
- Added Light intensity output to LightInformationBlock (Drigax)
- Added support for
serialization (Drigax) - Expanded animation group serialization to include all targeted TransformNodes (Drigax)
Texture Packer
- Added a note on shallow bounding of getBoundingInfo (tibotiber)
- Added a typo fix to the ArcRotateCamera setPosition method description (schm-dt)
Bug fixes
- Fixed Textblock line spacing evaluation when linespacing > 0 (Deltakosh)
- Fixed Xbox One gamepad controller button schemes (MackeyK24)
- Removing
from scene will also remove gui layers (TrevorDev) - A scene's input manager not adding key listeners when the canvas is already focused (Poolminer)
- Runtime animation
when going back in time now correctly triggers future events when reached (zakhenry) - Fixed bug in
where the barycentric coordinatesbu
being returned is actuallybv
. (bghgary) - Do not call
when creating a texture when falling back to another loader (TrevorDev) - Context loss should not cause PBR materials to render black or instances to stop rendering (TrevorDev)
- Only cast pointer ray input when pointer is locked in WebVR (TrevorDev)
- Fix Right Hand coordinates with directional lights and shadows, hemispheric lights and spot lights (CedricGuillemet)
- Avoid using default utility layer in gizmo manager to support multiple scenes (TrevorDev)
- Fix bug when adding and removing observers in quick succession (sable)
- Cannon and Ammo forceUpdate will no longer cause an unexpected exception (TrevorDev)
- Loading the same multi-material twice and disposing one should not impact the other (TrevorDev)
- GLTF exporter should no longer duplicate exported texture data (Drigax)
- Avoid exception when disposing of Ammo cloth physics (TrevorDev)
- Make planeDragGizmo usable on its own (TrevorDev)
- Fix useObjectOrienationForDragging for pointerDragBehavior when using a single axis drag (TrevorDev)
- Fix VR button not positioning correctly in canvas (haroldma)
- Fix check for material needing alpha blending in OutlineRenderer (mkmc)
- Fixed: scene's input manager's detachControl doesn't remove a wheel event listener (RamilKadyrov)
- Fixed Solid Particle System particle's idx and idxInShape initialization (RamilKadyrov)
- Added in ArcRotateCamera.storeState to save targetScreenOffset, in restoreState to restore it (RamilKadyrov)
- Fixed
to keep customfilesList
when serializing/parsing (julien-moreau) - Fixed
to properly dispose post-processes from attached cameras (julien-moreau) - Fixed
post-process to use a custom vertex shader instead of the depth vertex shader. (julien-moreau) - Fixed missing check in sceneTreeItemComponent resulting in gizmo to not end drag (CedricGuillemet)
- Added missing callback triggers within texture loaders (PierreLeBlond)
- Fixed
to no longer invert inspector-loaded textures (Drigax) - Fixed a single frame drop after leaving webxr on some devices (RaananW)
- Fixed bug where vignette aspect ratio would be wrong when rendering direct to canvas
- Fixed Path2 length computation (Poolminer)
- Cloning of
also cloneshaderPath
properties (Popov72) - Prevent an infinite loop when calling
in a scene with multipleSoundTracks
defined (kirbysayshi) - Fixed missing properties in serialization / parsing of
(Popov72) - Fix a bug with exit VR and Edge (RaananW)
- Fixed an issue with size of texture in multiview (RaananW)
- Fixed Path3D (bi)normals computation for specific edge cases (Poolminer)
- WebXR UI BUtton will only change to "In XR" after XR Session started (RaananW)
- Fix bug when we call
twice and the material is still not ready on the second call (barroij) - Fixed an issue with pose input in webxr (RaananW)
- Fixed bug when parsing animation group without 'to' value (noalak)
- isRightCamera and isLeftCamera were not set in WebXR (RaananW)
- Sandbox will now load assets relatively path-ed to same folder (Kyle Belfort)
- Playground will now render the returned scene from createScene() when there are multiple scenes added to engine (Kyle Belfort)
- Fixed bug so Playground will now download .env texture files to ./textures in .zip (Kyle Belfort)
- It was not possible to change the gaze and laser color in VR (#7323) (RaananW)
- Fixed issue where textures exported using Safari web browser are Y mirrored. (#7352) (Drigax)
- Fix a bug when resizing a MRT (Popov72)
- Fixed an infinite clone recursion bug in
due toDeepCopier.DeepCopy
(Poolminer) - Fixed an issue with multiview textures (RaananW)
- Screenshot height and width is now forced to be integers to prevent mismatch with openGL context (jekelija)
- Fix shadow bound calculation in CSM shadow technique (Popov72)
- Disposing of the depthReducer used in CSM (Popov72)
- Fixed an issue with teleportation detach and attach (#7419) (RaananW)
- Physics compound calculations were incorrect (#7407) (RaananW)
- Fix bug NME bug where preview area crashes on pop up when NME is opened from playground (Kyle Belfort)
- Fixed an issue with isSessionSupported return value being ignored (#7501) (RaananW)
- Added isRigCamera to rig cameras so they can be detected. Used to fix a bug with utility layer and WebXR (#7517) (RaananW)
- Fixed bug in the
GUI class when setting aidealWidth
on the ADT (Popov72) - Fixed bug in the
GUI class where some properties were lost after a rotation by n x 90° (Popov72) - Fixed bug in the
GUI class when rotating a SVG picture (Popov72) - Fix for bug where NME would crash if frames did not have comments (Kyle Belfort)
- Fix wrong import of _TimeToken (Sebavan
- Fix shadows not rendered correctly when using point lights (Popov72)
- Prevent depth buffer clear in shadow maps (Sebavan
- Fix for bug where the light gizmo causes lights to flip orientation (#7603) (drigax)
- Fix for bug where directional lights are inverted when using a right handed scene coordinate system. (drigax)
- Fix subSurface parameters not copied in the PBR clone methods (Popov72)
- Fix for bug where round-tripped glTF imported scenes are encapsulated in a second root node (#6349)(drigax & noalak)
- Fix
was not properly taken into account (Popov72) - VideoTexture poster respects invertY (Sebavan
- Fix for bug where round-tripped glTF imported scenes have incorrect light orientation, and duplicated parent nodes (#7377)(drigax)
- Fix bug in PBR sheen where the sheen effect could be a little darker than expected when using direct lighting (Popov72
- Fix bug in PBR shader when
(Popov72) - Fix for bug where resizing the bottom of a frame at times will not work for any frame in the graph (#7377)(Kyle Belfort)
- Fix bug in PBR sheen when used with clear coat and no env texture provided (Popov72)
- Fix for bug where Preview Area pop up does not change background color across windows (#7377)(Kyle Belfort)
- Fix for bug where comments would break out of frames and break resizing of frames (Kyle Belfort)
- Fix for bug where frames without comments would display undefined at the bottom right corner (Kyle Belfort)
Breaking changes
- Setting mesh.scaling to a new vector will no longer automatically call forceUpdate (this should be done manually when needed) (TrevorDev)
are now ambiant functions (available onBABYLON.extractMinAndMaxIndexed
) (Deltakosh)Tools.QueueNewFrame
was removed in favor ofEngine.QueueNewFrame
(Deltakosh)- Removed external data from Engine (
) (Deltakosh) - The glTF loader extensions that map to glTF 2.0 extensions will now be disabled if the extension is not present in
. (bghgary) - The STL loader does not create light or camera automatically, please use
in your code Sebavan - The glTF2 exporter extension no longer ignores childless empty nodes.(drigax)
- Default culling strategy changed to CULLINGSTRATEGY_BOUNDINGSPHERE_ONLY (Deltakosh)
do not need the usePhysicalLight anymore (Sebavan)Mesh.bakeTransformIntoVertices
now preserves child world-space transforms(drigax)- Removed
from Engine. (bghgary)