Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 5.35.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 5.35.0
Released: 2022-12-01
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #13302: Fix #13301
- #13301: Enabling gizmo when NME is open renders gizmo in NME preview panel instead of scene
- #13300: Preserve camera control settings when reattaching camera controls
- #13299: Fix Texture rebuild on context lost
- #13298: [XR] Fix teleportation bug When changing controllers
- #13297: [XR] clear as default when in layers multiview
- #13295: InputManager: Fix Order and Execution of onPrePointerObservable
- #13284: KTXDecoder: Update and add new universal transcoders
- #13293: Cameras: Modified cameras to work under onPointerObservable
- #13280: [Build] remove prepublish step, fix node.js issue on windows
See More
- #13281: Add static Reflect function to Vector3
- #13290: Test the PickingInfo class
- #13289: RTT: Make sure we increment scene frameId even in "check readiness" mode
- #13288: PBRBaseMaterial fix getAnimatables JSDoc
- #13287: Bump: Fix black spots in bump when no uv gradients
- #13286: Ensure bloom blur size is consistent across hardware scaling levels
- #13285: Test babylon scene materials
- #13282: Mesh: Add forceWorldMatrixInstancedBufferUpdate property
- #13283: Observable: Do not include deleted observers in hasObservers result
This list of changes was auto generated.