Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 5.37.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 5.37.0
Released: 2022-12-09
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #13325: Add Fullscreen ADT to HTMLTwinRenderer
- #13335: NME: Fix reusing the same temporary variable name in TextureBlock
- #13334: fix missing plugin when enabling physics
- #13317: The STL loader flips the faces
- #13333: Make sure BONETEXTURE is always set with a value when supported
- #13328: NME: Add a rgb output to the ImageProcessing block
- #13331: allow independent video sources in VideoTexture
- #13324: Feature request: add an option to VideoTexture to prevent video element state modification
- #13332: VirtualJoystick - Stop iterating when canvas is released
- #13330: ArcRotateCamera: Fix lower and upper beta limit type
This list of changes was auto generated.