Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.10.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.10.0
Released: 2023-06-29
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14007: Refactoring of the Bone class
- #13998: [Physics] Add raycast filtering to physics engine interface
- #14002: Improve convertToUnIndexedMesh and convertToFlatShadedMesh vertex data handling with support for morph targets
- #14006: needMoveForGravity public access
- #13999: Optimized mesh.subdivide function by delaying the BB refresh to once …
- #14005: Allow customizing vis-tests further
- #14001: Gizmo+inspector world/local coordinates switch
- #13996: CubeTexture: Fix parsing when name has been overwritten
- #13967: Input manager : PointerEvent pick with boundingBox
- #13988: Fix #13967