Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.25.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.25.0
Released: 2023-10-19
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14428: Oblique Camera Implementation
- #14191: GRL - camera facing
- #14431: font inheritance changes
- #14438: Add flag on ADT to skip blocking certain events
- #14440: Unification and allowedHosts in local dev
- #14434: P8 Nine Patch clear fix
- #14436: Fix createTexture for R and RG format textures
- #14429: optimize EngineFactory
- #14439: Remove deprecated WebVR
- #14427: proper use filter in getTags function
See More
- #14435: Remove crash
- #14432: Add "Remove" buttons for data on Texture and Mesh in NGE
- #14433: Fix #14432
- #14430: GeometryBufferRenderer: Fix wrong index being returned for the depth and normal textures
- #14426: Polyfill VideoFrame for older versions of typescript
- #14425: DefaultRenderingPipeline: Fix pipeline reconstruction
- #14413: WebGPU: support vertex buffers with non multiple of 4 bytes strides
- #14421: Fix a legacy issue with older ts versions
- #14422: WebGL engine: Add a loseContextOnDispose option
- #14389: Flow graphs serialization
- #14420: WebGPU: Fix anisotropy usage when mipmap filtering is nearest
- #14419: Texture: Serialize the noMipmap property
- #14414: Exploration of extracting scene texture data to use with node geometry
- #14416: Fix #14414
- #14409: NME: multiple-import Custom Block and Custom Frame
- #14412: Add _postMeasure method to GUI Control
- #14418: Fix render to texture mips
- #14415: add reminders for cdn usage
This list of changes was auto generated.