Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.29.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.29.0
Released: 2023-11-09
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14482: Camera: Modify Camera Movement to work off of time, instead of frame rate
- #14499: Flow graph remove event coordinator
- #14498: feat: optimize vector3
- #14497: Animations: Add an easingFunction property to IAnimationKey
- #14481: Flow Graph Path Mapping
- #14495: Flow Graph Context Logger
- #14494: Rename internal classes in CSG
- #14492: Fix ray cast skipBoundingInfo with in intersects
- #14493: CreateText does not align text on z
This list of changes was auto generated.