Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.3.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.3.0
Released: 2023-05-11
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #13836: NME Triplanar block: Fix redefinition of variable names
- #13839: WebGPU: Update TWGSL
- #13841: Video: Fix video not played when using multiple videos in a shader
- #13838: raycast reset and GC
- #13827: Gizmo, Physics fixes
- #13834: Refraction: Fix refraction coordinates in right handed system
- #13830: Use getBoundingClientRect instead of width
- #13825: [Build] Update dependencies, move to sass away from node-sass
- #13833: NME Triplanar block: Add a switch to better project the textures in the case of a cube
- #13832: [PG] make sure PG load correctly on safari
See More
- #13805: [Asset Container] Fix Asset Container typings
- #13829: Update havokPlugin.ts
- #13807: [Texture] Add option to material cloning to not clone the same texture multiple times
- #13809: Add max value clamping and preserve colors options to CubeMapToSphericalPolynomialTools
- #13818: PBR: Fix refraction texture in right handed system
- #13812: adds save and load single control
- #13817: Fix BABYLON.Tools.DumpData ignoring the
parameter. - #13823: WebGPU: Fix MSAA texture release
- #13816: WebGPU: Fix viewport reset too often
- #13811: [Physics] Add set/getGravityFactor to PhysicsBody
- #13815: Reset raycast result when no hit
- #13814: remove unused interface parameters for aggregate
This list of changes was auto generated.