Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.32.1
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.32.1
Released: 2023-12-02
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14571: Avoid duplicate shader created by customMaterial & pbrCustomMaterial
- #14572: Allow forcing chrome instead of chromium on playwright
- #14549: Better handling of StackPanel layout warning
- #14569: Add analytics
- #14568: Post process: Add support for uniform buffers
- #14563: Animations: Fix loop relative mode to start at the current value of the animated object
- #14565: Parent group entities to object entities on the OBJ loader
- #14566: feat(gizmo): support hover & disable color
- #14561: Fix opaque only picking for rotated controls
- #14562: Fix camera rotation when exporting glTF
This list of changes was auto generated.