Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.38.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.38.0
Released: 2024-01-11
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14684: improve speed of GaussianSplatting
- #14690: Adding loadeddata event listener in videoTexture
- #14688: [XR] Port teleportation observable to feature
- #14685: Fix camera gizmo set custom mesh
- #14689: Add clarification about transformed position in shadowLight.
- #14687: BoudingBoxGizmo Scale Boxes Fix
- #14686: Add GA to GUI
- #14680: RSM: add support for reflective shadow maps generation + GI based on RSM
- #14683: Update WebXRControllerTeleportation.ts
- #14681: Allow different versions in PG and Sandbox
See More
- #14679: Thin instances: Change default value for the staticBuffer parameter
- #14682: Skeleton: Fix empty transform matrices when cloning a mesh
- #14674: WebGPU: manage context loss and restoration (part 2)
- #14678: prevent internal misuse of VB
- #14677: Fix camera not being reattached after a two pointer SixDofDragBehavior
- #14676: Force texture loading with bitmap when in offscreen canvas
- #14669: Fix scaling problems in sixDofDragBehavior
- #14673: Expose _rootUrl of gltf loader as public get property
- #14672: Nge add2
- #14671: Nge new blocks
- #14595: Add nodes to Node Geometry to augment TextureFetch
This list of changes was auto generated.