Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.40.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.40.0
Released: 2024-01-25
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14595: Add nodes to Node Geometry to augment TextureFetch
- #14737: Associated with #14595
- #14735: Remove zOffset from inspector wireframe mesh
- #14734: Morph targets: Pass the number of active targets to the shader as a uniform
- #14733: glTF loader: allow no root node
- #14732: Better feature handling
- #14731: small fixes to physics
- #14730: glTF loader: Add an option to pass a custom root node
- #14726: Move delegate picking to children to container
- #14728: Add no-throw-literal eslint rule.
See More
- #14727: Run playwright tests on the same page instance
- #14729: Flush for Native does nothing
- #14724: Fix audio engine unlock issue
- #14723: Particle systems: Fix serialization and parsing of CustomParticleEmitter
- #14722: Add isSerializable flag to GUI controls
- #14721: Particle systems: When using the cylinder-directed particle emitter, fix the start direction when in local space
- #14718: Basic inspector for V2 physics
- #14720: Gizmo manager enhancement
- #14719: Linting - require returns, params
- #14716: WebXR world scaling factor
- #14717: Add typedoc missing comments
- #14714: WebGPU: Allow to pass an offscreen canvas to the constructor
- #14715: fix animation events not firing for 1 key animations
- #12441: World/camera scaling
- #14711: Gaussian Splatting: add a gaussian splatting mesh and material
This list of changes was auto generated.