Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 6.41.1
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 6.41.1
Released: 2024-02-06
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14765: Particle systems: add support for fog
- #14768: ShaderMaterial: add support for fog
- #14767: Ray: use an epsilon when calculating ray/triangle intersections
- #14766: Move core to es2020 as well
- #14764: Camera: Add hasMoved property
- #14763: Morph targets: Add missing morph count uniforms to some renderers/materials
- #14762: Misc updates for RSM & WebGPU timestamp queries
- #14761: Allow loading .ply with loadFileAsync
- #14760: Add the code inspection to enable unity toolkit
- #14752: Havok Heightmaps
See More
- #14759: Clear world scale observers correctly
- #14757: Vision OS missing enabledFeatures
- #14755: Use shader material written in wgsl as shadow depth wrapper
- #14754: Unity Toolkit Workaround
This list of changes was auto generated.