Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 7.1.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 7.1.0
Released: 2024-04-04
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #14934: Optimizing performance of GreasedLineMesh._setPoints
- #14944: WebGPU: Add support for the predeclared alias in WGSL
- #14942: Fix typo in glTF animation pointer data
- #13370: EXT_texture_avif implementation
- #14941: 3d RT mipmaps in WebGPU
- #14940: Allow mipmaps for 3D RT's
- #14939: Ribbon builder: Fix vertical uvs for closed paths
- #14857: Make NME and NGE math blocks agnostic to order of operations and left vs. right input
- #14937: PBR materials: Add ambient occlusion color to debug mode
- #14938: PBR: Fix crash when using refraction
See More
- #14936: Fix glTF animation pointer of metallic roughness texture
- #14897: 3D Render Targets
- #14888: Remove the need for cache.Parent
- #14932: Allow CreateFromBase64String and LoadFromDataString to specifiy exten…
- #14918: Avoid "dirtyfication" of the defines when not required
- #14933: Ported clearQuad to avoid using twgsl by default
- #14926: Fix obj loader tests
- #14925: ReflectiveShadowMap: Fix typo in the "no ubo support" path
- #14924: allow simple casting to IComputeShaderPath
- #14923: new playground engine version (latest 6)
This list of changes was auto generated.