Babylon.js/Babylon.js: Release 7.34.0
Name: Babylon.js
Owner: Babylon.js
Release: 7.34.0
Released: 2024-11-14
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- #15815: Better error message
- #15789: Add speed and delay to camera auto orbit config/props
- #15812: Node editors: Fix editable properties for blocks with inheritance hierarchy
- #15808: Update NRGE colors and define port type on property window
- #15807: Correct spelling in IBL Shadows Pipeline
- #15805: Geometry buffer renderer: Fix normals not transformed by the world matrix when using normal maps
- #15803: Viewer hotspot activation
- #15802: Update comments in ibl shadows
- #15798: Adding support to mimetype autodetection
- #15801: fix(docs): typo in nodeMaterial
See More
- #15778: GS WebGPU + NME ui fixes
- #15790: Increase the visibility of InputText._selectAllTexts() public, or provide an public alternative
- #15797: Fix #15790
- #15788: HTMLMesh rendering issues
- #15796: Fix #15788
- #15792: Fix global declaration processing
- #15785: Frame Graph: Add TAA task + support for history textures
- #15791: Layer: Add support for linear colors
- #15784: Viewer loading progress bar
- #15786: HTMLMesh not working if there's a VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess on the scene?
- #15787: Fix #15786
- #15783: Html mesh
This list of changes was auto generated.