Orama Interactive/Pixelorama: Release v0.11.1
Name: Pixelorama
Owner: Orama Interactive
Release: v0.11.1
Released: 2023-08-12
License: MIT
Release Assets:
[v0.11.1] - 2023-08-12
This update has been brought to you by the contributions of: Fayez Akhtar (@Variable-ind), @20kdc, Matteo Piovanelli (@MatteoPiovanelli-Laser)
Built using Godot 3.5.2
- A new offset image effect to easily move the image around, with animation support.
- Implemented a "smart slicer" system that lets the software automatically slice a spritesheet in separate frames on image import, without the user having to specify horizontal and vertical frames. #893
- Added optional integer zooming for the canvas, which can be enabled from the Preferences. Disabled by default. #894
- Fast way to clone frames of a tag. #861
- Added a reverse frames option on the right click menu of the frame buttons, to easily reverse the order of the selected frames.
- A new Timeline category in the Preferences with options such as the colors of onion skinning's color mode, and whether a layer should be selected when a layer button (such as lock, visibility etc) gets pressed.
- It is now possible to disable saving frames that have a tag to a different folder, as well as specifying a separator character in the file names.
- Palette file types now exist as filters in the Open file dialog.
- .bmp and .tga file types now exist in the Open dialog of the Web version.
- The image effect animation system introduced in v0.11 has been overhauled with a better user interface, and with tweening options. #879
- Images stored in RAM for the undo/redo system when draw tools are used are now compressed. This reduces RAM usage. #890
- The cel opacity slider now affects all of the selected cels. #865
- The right click menu of the frame buttons now works for all selected frames, besides "move left" and "move right".
- The canvas is automatically enlarged when importing an image of a larger size to the project.
- Error codes are now being explained in the error messages. #891
- Newly cloned frames are now automatically selected. #861
- "Centralize Image" has been moved from the Image menu to the frame button right click menu. #884
- The project's name is no longer saved inside .pxo files. Loaded projects now get their name directly from the file name.
- Clicking on a layer button (such as lock, visibility etc) no longer selects the layer by default. This behavior can now be changed in the Preferences.
- The image menu has been re-arranged. #878
- The "OK" button of the save and export dialogs are now named "Save" and "Export" respectively. #876
- Generating palettes from the current project no longer crashes when group and 3D layers exist.
- Fixed wrong saturation and value values. They were divided by 360, while they should have been divided by 100. #879
- Fixed image effect animations appearing when changing the affected option, even if that image effect had no animatable properties. #879