Orama Interactive/Pixelorama: Release v0.4
Name: Pixelorama
Owner: Orama Interactive
Release: v0.4 - Undo/Redo, mirrored drawing, lighten/darken tool and more!
Released: 2019-11-13
License: MIT
Release Assets:
- Undo/Redo, at last! For all the mistakes happy accidents!
- Mirrored drawing both horizontally & vertically.
- Lighten/Darken tool for shading!
- Tool that lets you paint all pixels of the same color, with another color!
- Importing custom brushes from a “Brushes” folder!
- You can now re-name your layers!
- Flip your sprite horizontally or vertically! (Thank you danielnaoexiste from GitHub!)
- You can now remove custom “project” brushes.
- Notification labels that appear when you do an action. For example, if you undo something you drew, a label will appear saying “Undo: Draw”. This one was a last minute addition!
Read more on: https://functionoverload590613498.wordpress.com/2019/11/13/pixelorama-v0-4-is-out/