Orama Interactive/Pixelorama: Release v1.0.4

[v1.0.4] - 2024-10-25

This update has been brought to you by the contributions of: Fayez Akhtar (@Variable-ind), Mariano Semelman (@msemelman)

Built using Godot 4.3


  • It is now possible to make panels into floating windows. This allows for any panel in the user interface to be its own window, and if single window mode is disabled, you can move these windows anywhere you want. This is especially useful for multi-monitor setups.
  • Added a new "color replace" mode to the Shading tool, that uses the colors of the palette to apply shading. #1107
  • Added a new Erase blend mode. #1117
  • It is now possible to change the font, depth and line spacing of 3D text.
  • Implemented the ability to change the font of the interface from the properties.
  • Clipping to selection during export is now possible. #1113
  • Added a preference to share options between tools. #1120
  • Added an option to quickly center the canvas in the View menu. Mapped to Control + C by default. #1123
  • Added hotkeys to switch between tabs. Control+Tab to go to the next project tab, and Control+Shift+Tab to go to the previous. #1109
  • Added menus next to each of the two mirroring buttons in the Global Tool Options, that allow users to automatically move the symmetry guides to the center of the canvas, or the view center.
  • A new Reset category has been added to the Preferences that lets users easily restore certain options.


  • Bumped extensions API version to 5.
  • The screen no longer remains on when idle, avoiding unnecessary power consumption. #1125
  • The export dialog's resize slider now allows for values greater than 1000.
  • Made some UI improvements to the rotate/flip image brush options. #1105
  • The bucket tool now picks colors from the top-most layer, like the rest of the drawing tools.


  • The move tool preview is now properly aligned to the pixel grid.
  • Camera zoom is now being preserved when switching between projects.
  • Projects are no longer being saved with the wrong name in the Web version.
  • Fixed 3D Shape Edit tool option values not updating when switching between 3D objects.
  • Using the bucket tool while moving the cursor and also holding the color picker shortcut (Alt by default), now picks colors instead of actually using the tool.
  • Tool previews are now being properly cleared when switching to other tools before finishing the action being performed by the previous tool.
  • Fixed icons not being set to the correct color when launching Pixelorama with the dark theme.
  • Fixed some text in the About dialog not having the text color of the theme.
  • Fixed the backup confirmation dialog closing when clicking outside of it when single window mode is disabled.
  • The dynamics dialog is now set to its correct size when something is made visible or invisible. #1104
  • The color picker values no longer change when using RAW mode. #1108
  • Fixed some icon stretch and expand modes in the UI. #1103

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