Sander Mertens/flecs: Release v1.1

Name: flecs

Owner: Sander Mertens

Release: Flecs 1.1

Released: 2019-10-06


Release Assets:

This version includes the following features:

  • Add API for bulk insertion of data (#60)
  • Add API for bulk deletion (#33)
  • Add API for bulk add/remove (#67)

This version includes the following improvements:

  • Allow for direct access to table columns in systems (#59)
  • Remove compiler warnings in strict mode (#70)
  • Make EcsOnLoad phase unstaged, allowing for faster insertion of data (#74)
  • Add optional example, improve documentation

This version includes the following bugfixes:

  • Fix crash when calling ecs_quit from worker thread (#61)
  • Fix crash when calling ecs_new_w_count from worker thread (#61)
  • Fix crash when dimensioning table with columns that have size 0 (#60)
  • Fix bug where on some platforms the OS API struct was stored in RO memory, causing a crash (#68)
  • Fix bug when _ecs_field is called with a 0 size (#75)
  • Fix bug when creating a system that only has an OWNED or SHARED column (#78)

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