Sander Mertens/flecs: Release v2.1.2

Name: flecs

Owner: Sander Mertens

Release: Flecs 2.1.2

Released: 2020-09-05


Release Assets:

This version includes the following features:

  • No new features

This version includes the following improvements:

  • Queries can now select for components to which a trait has been applied (TRAIT | MyTrait > *)
  • Add unsafe_column to C++ API for accessing component data of unknown type at compile time
  • Add [] operator to flecs::vector
  • Add more functions to C++ iterator to access underlying fields
  • Add fast paths to table functions (improves performance)
  • Add support for global component/tag/entity handles in C
  • Add flecs::type_id<T>() for getting the identifier of a type

This version includes the following bugfixes:

  • OnSet systems registered themselves with components in expression vs. matched components
  • Fix issues related to component lifecycle actions & traits
  • Invoke move when moving entity between tables
  • Invoke move when reallocating table columns
  • Invoke move when deleting an entity (move last entity into deleted index)
  • Component actions were not registered for implicitly registered components
  • Fix bug with redefining namespaced components in a different world

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