A-Frame/aframe: Release v0.8.0
0.8.0 (March 9, 2018)
Performance improvements.
Major Changes
- Updated to three.js r90.
- Ability to update three.js Object3D position, rotation, scale, and visible directly while being in sync with A-Frame. (#3245)
events no longer bubble. (#3220)- Raycaster intersection and cleared events now emitted once per event, not on every frame. (#3126)
- Remove VREffect / VRControls for three.js WebGLRenderer API. VR camera pose is managed by three.js. (#3152, #3327)
- Removed geometry.mergeTo. (#3191)
- Removed State mixins.
event detail modified to be the state name, not object. (#3171) - Removed Scene.reload() (#2239)
- Entity.getOrCreateObject3D. (#3222)
- Clone object type properties into oldData to fix update method not called on referenced objects. (#3409)
- Fix matrix composition when updating pose for controllers. (#3407)
- Fix component update getting overridden by mixin due to not passing in the whole attrValue into buildData. (#3302)
- Remove a-canvas z-index. (#3391)
- Fix parameters passed to the onButtonEvent function for Windows MR. (#3372)
- Fix black texture issue with a-sky and a-videosphere components with three r89. (#3370)
- Fix material array handling in shadow component. (#3348)
- Postpone the resize operation in iOS to ensure that the window size matches the viewport on orientation changes. (fix #3282) (#3306)
- Fix utils.entity.getComponentPropertyPath if defaultLightsEnabled not defined
- Look-controls don't read HMD position if no headset connected. (#3286)
- Fix raycaster direction. (#3239)
- Fix raycaster line update that wasn't triggered anymore. (#3124)
- Fix data from dom not parsed if skipTypeChecking. (#3153)
- Clone default array property type. (#3095)
- Fix Gear VR buttons highlighting. (#3103)
- Do not resize the canvas while presenting on mobile (#3080)
- Flipped the sign on sampleUV.x in the portal shader used by the link component (#3079)
- Add spectator camera mode and spectator scene component. (#3280)
- Support Pointer Lock API. (#3341)
- Allow mixin composition. (#3305)
- Add a background component for better performant plain color backgrounds than
. (#2908) - Use MutationObserver and object3dset and object3dremove events to refresh raycaster list. (#3070)
- Allow specify container for pool component. (#3392)
- Expose raycaster.intersections array. (#3289)
- Remove cameraRig on setupDefaultCamera. (#3364)
- Add metalnessMap and roughnessMap. (#2722)
- Add spectator camera mode to the camera component and spectator scene component. (#3280)
- Add transparent flag to be able to define transparent backgrounds. (#3320)
- Improve function names in debugger call stacks. (#3310)
- Allow removal of mixed-in components. (#3275)
- Add xOffset option to allow text padding. (#3269)
- Allow disable shadow map auto update, fix shadow system init. (#3214)
- Use component event handlers insted of bound a-scene methods. (#3213)
- Support sources in video. (#3176)
- Make camera system aware of mixins. (#3196)
- Remove everGotGamepadEvent flag and gamepadconnected / gamepaddisconnected. (#3189)
- Register cursor event listeners on canvas, not window. (#3179)
- Do not update style.width and style.height on renderer resize to not override styles applied externally. (#3184)
- Factor out onButtonEvent method from controllers. (#3169)
- Add raycaster.enabled property to toggle tick handler. (#3148)
- Have camera call enter VR handler if scene already entered VR with display activate. (#3149)
- String-trim primitive attribute values. (#3145)
- Add customizeable colors to link portal and title. (#3106)
- Adapt cursor onMouseMove to also accept touchmove events. (#3143)
- Save array creations on each raycaster update. (#3317)
- Optimize event emit. (#3308)
- Throttle updateControllerList while keeping getGamepads call. (#3112)
- Get rid of some string split operations. (#3316)
- Default the raycaster interval/throttle to 0. (#3293)
- Have getAttribute(visible) return object3D.visible directly. (#3283)
- Optimize aframe.utils.diff. (#3271)
- Raycaster fixes and performance improvements. (#3250)
- Remove garbage for addBehavior/removeBehavior. (#3217)
- Reduce garbage in axismove in tracked-controls. (#3185)
- Prevent component leakage in updateComponents (#3212)
- Cache font image textures for text component (#3158)
- Remove two array allocations per deepEqual call (#3115)
- Reduce Object.keys usage in core/schema (#3117)
- Save object allocation on look-controls.calculateDeltaRotation (#3116)