The Apache Software Foundation/streampipes: Release 0.61.0
Name: streampipes
Owner: The Apache Software Foundation
Release: 0.61.0-pre-asf
Released: 2019-03-19
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
- Improved validation of pipelines in the pipeline editor
- Case-insensitive pipeline element search
- Customize dialog is hidden if no static properties are present
- Export and import of Adapter descriptions
- Migration guide for SIP-08
- New map visualization
- Improved support for complex data types
- Introduction of new event model
- New Maven archetype: pe-source
- SSL support
Changed / Bug Fixes
- Bug Fix: Tutorial not shown
- Bug Fix: Transform Output Strategy not working
- Refactor Maven archetypes to support new event model and wrapper classes
- Upgrade to latest AngularJS version
- Ensure correct ordering of static properties
- Bug Fix: AnyStaticProperty not working
- Bug Fix: Pipeline can be stored without a Sink
- Bug Fix: Pipeline modelling: duplicated runtimeNames
- Use of the UI without Internet
- Bug Fix: CollectionStaticProperty not working
- OpenSenseMap adapter due to API changes