The Apache Software Foundation/streampipes: Release 0.63.0
Name: streampipes
Owner: The Apache Software Foundation
Release: 0.63.0-pre-asf
Released: 2019-09-05
License: Apache-2.0
Release Assets:
New features
- Added a new static property that handles secrets such as passwords
- Added a new static property to specify property groups
- Added a new external event processor in preparation for the upcoming python wrapper
- Added configuration options to FileStreamProtocol
- Pipeline Elements provide their own documentation and icons
- Added support for binary message formats: SMILE, FST and CBOR
- Added a new processor boolean inverter
- Added an OPC-UA adapter to Connect
- Added a new random data generator to Connect
- Added a new IoTDB sink
- Added a new OPC-UA sink
- Added a new settings page to select preferred message formats
- Added support for runtime-resolvable static properties in Connect
- Added a new static property StaticPropertyAlternatives that handles alternatives
- Extracted Connect adapters from Backend to new worker-based architecture
- Added support for multiple dashboards within one pipeline
- Extracted RDF4J HTTP repository to own service
- Added a feature to gracefully stop pipelines when containers are stopped
- Added support for Alternatives/Group static properties to Connect
- Added a feedback button
- Added authentication to MQTT adapter
- Added improved asset support for data streams
Bug Fixes
- Uninstallation of data sinks not working
- Duplicated events in pipelines with two dashboard sinks
- Trend detection fires too often
- Rules in ROS adapter are not working
- MQTT Protocol NullPointer in Guess Schema
- Unit conversion is not stored in connect
- Error when reading domain properties
- Shared usage of transport protocols and formats breaks pipeline element installation
- Modifying links between pipeline elements
- Validation of alternative configuration at MQTT adapter not working as expected
- Dashboard does not work after editing pipeline
- Dots in keys within StreamPipes Connect are currently not working
- Error in Dashboard with ROS messages with header field
- CSV Format does not guess numbers correctly
- AppendOutputStrategy: Renaming does not work correctly
- Wrong extractor for Runtime-resolvable selections in documentation
- ProtocolMatch adds wrong error message
- Uninstalling pipeline elements not working
- Customize event output in Siddhi wrapper
- Connect not showing Error Messages
- Improve edit schema dialog in Connect
- Directly mark event property as timestamp
- Avoid using function calls in Connect UI
- Make UI more browser-independent
- Let DeclarersSingleton declare supported protocols
- Improve support for runtime resolvable static properties
- Package StreamPipes backend as jar instead of war file
- Migrate pipeline element containers to Spring Boot
- Pipeline Tutorial still has Field Hasher in last step
- Migrate Connect containers to Spring Boot
- Enable gzip compression in UI
- In Installation Dialogue Enter not working as expected
- Extended and improved documentation
Minors / Library updates
- Update Kafka
- Update Flink
- Update Maven plugin dependencies
- Update Powermock Version
- Update jetty version
- Update Checkstyle version
- Add method to SDK to get type of Mapping Property
- Update Jackson libraries
- Update documentation
- Update Maven archetypes