Bullet Physics SDK/bullet3: Release 2.87
Name: bullet3
Owner: Bullet Physics SDK
Release: Bullet 2.87 with pybullet robotics Reinforcement Learning environments
Released: 2017-09-29
Release Assets:
Bullet 2.87 has improved support for robotics, reinforcement learning and VR. In particular, see the "Reinforcement Learning" section in the pybullet quickstart guide at http://pybullet.org . There are also preliminary C# bindings to allow the use of pybullet inside Unity 3D for robotics and reinforcement learning.
Here are some videos:
- Minitaur pybullet trained with TF Agents PPO, improved motor model, randomization
- pybullet Ant trained using TensorFlow Agents
- pybullet KUKA grasp training/enjoy using Tensorflow+OpenAI gym+baselines DQN
Some example training the pybullet_pendulum using TensorFlow Agents PPO: pip install pybullet, agents, tensorflow, gym
python -m pybullet_envs.agents.train_ppo --config=pybullet_pendulum --logdir=pendulum tensorboard --logdir=pendulum --port=2222 python -m pybullet_envs.agents.visualize_ppo --logdir=pendulum/xxxxx --outdir=pendulum_video
Tensorboard training progress image for the Minitaur locomotion: