Release v11.5.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: GitLab 11.5

Released: 2020-04-03

License: MIT

Release Assets:

![46 new features]( "New features added in this release") ![566 total badges]( "Total features") #### [Ultimate]( ![9 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![57 total badges]( "Total features in this tier")

[Group Security Dashboard]( > Security teams need to easily access information about the security status of all their projects, > so they know which is the most important task to take next. This is even more important for Directors > of Security that need to have a high-level view of possible critical issues affecting the > entire development. > > With GitLab 11.5, a first iteration of a new Security Dashboard is available at group level. It > provides a summary for all the [SAST]( > vulnerabilities in all the projects in that group, and a list of > actionable entries that can be used to start a remediation process. For example, you can open an issue > with a suggested solution, or simply dismiss the entry if you classify it as a false positive. > Support for other tests (Dependency Scanning, Container Scanning, DAST) will be added in the future. > > **Note:** The Group Security Dashboard requires the new [`reports`]( > syntax and GitLab Runner 11.5 or higher in order to display results. > [Auto DevOps]( will be supported in a future release.
[Operations Dashboard]( > For organizations who have embraced DevOps, and for teams with more operations-leaning members, it is important to be able to quickly > ascertain the health of the projects in your organization. > > GitLab 11.5 introduces a new, operations-focused dashboard, providing a summary of the key operational metrics of each project > a user is interested in. This includes the time since the last deployment, most recent commit, as well as whether there are any active alerts. > > The dashboard can be set as a user's preferred homepage, or accessed via clicking on the new dashboard icon in the top bar.
[New CI/CD syntax for security, quality, and performance report types]( > Before GitLab 11.5, reports like SAST or DAST relied on a combination > of job and artifacts names to be recognized as such by the system. This > was not optimal to scale and to support more advanced features > like the Group Security Dashboard, because of the performance implications to access artifacts. With the previous syntax you needed to use specific job names (like `sast`) but now you can specify custom job names. > > In GitLab 11.5 a new implementation has been introduced to leverage the new `reports` syntax. New job > definitions are now available for > [SAST](, > [DAST](, > [Dependency Scanning](, > [Container Scanning](, > [License Management](, > [Code Quality](, and > [Browser Performance Testing]( > The [old syntax has been deprecated](#old-ci/cd-syntax-for-security,-quality,-and-performance-report-types) and could be removed in a future release. > You are encouraged to upgrade your definitions in order to benefit from improved > performances and the Group Security Dashboard, even if the old syntax is still working. > The new syntax requires GitLab Runner 11.5 or above.
[Open Jaeger from GitLab]( > Tracing provides deep introspection into the performance and health of a deployed application, tracking each function or microservice > which handles a given request. This makes it easy to understand the end-to-end flow of a request, regardless of whether you are using > a monolithic or distributed system. > > GitLab 11.5 includes an initial integration with [Jaeger](, the [CNCF]( tracing project, > allowing users to easily open the Jaeger UI from GitLab.
[Close epic notification]( > We recently released the ability to close epics, namely having different > open and closed states for epics. In this release, we are adding notifications > for closing and reopening epics, to help users follow more closely on work > they are interested in.
[Autocomplete epic in issue and merge request]( > You can now more easily search and refer to epics while working in an issue > or merge request. Just type `&` and enter a few numbers or characters in > the issue or merge request's description or a comment. GitLab's autocomplete > will search for epics in the immediate parent group, allowing you to select > one easily all without leaving the current page.
[Filter by open or closed epics in API]( > We recently released the ability to close epics, namely having different > open and closed states for epics. In this release, we are exposing that > state in the API itself, so that you can filter on open or closed epics > when retrieving a list of them, as well as see the state in a single epic > retrieved itself.
[Epic keyboard shortcuts]( > Similar to issues and merge requests, you can perform basic operations in > an epic page with keyboard shortcuts, helping those users who want to get > more done, more quickly, without leaving the keyboard. > > Use r to start a new comment. (It will even quote selected text.) > Use e to edit the description. And use l to change > labels.
[Remediation info for Gemnasium]( > [Dependency Scanning]( > relies on the [Gemnasium service]( for the > majority of supported languages. This allows GitLab to report known vulnerabilities in packages, but > this information was missing a remediation that helps developers to easily fix the problem. > > With GitLab 11.5, Gemnasium service provides remediations every time the information is available. > This is then reported in the vulnerability details window, and in the related issue. For example, the > remediation could report the minimum version a library should be updated to in order to fix the security > problem.
#### [Premium]( ![8 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![110 total badges]( "Total features in this tier")
[Assign approvers based on Code Owners]( > Knowing who to ask to review your merge request isn't always obvious. > Code Owners, which allow files to be assigned to the responsible team > members, are now automatically assigned as merge request approvers. > > Assigning approvers automatically based on Code Owners will notify the > relevant Code Owners of impending changes so that they are able to > review and approve the changes. > > Support for defining Code Owners was introduced in > [GitLab 11.3](/releases/2018/09/22/gitlab-11-3-released/#code-owners). In > upcoming releases, Code Owners will be further integrated into the > merge request workflow with > [required approvals](
[Group file templates]( > File templates for `LICENSE`, `.gitignore`, `Dockerfile`, and > `.gitlab-ci.yml` files make it easy to add these common files to > projects. Custom file templates can now be shared with all the projects > in a group and sub-groups, by configuring a template repository for the > group. > > Custom templates are useful when the templates provided by GitLab are > too generic, for example a custom license that should be used for every > project in the company, or a complex Dockerfile that should be used for > every microservice. > > Support for instance-wide template repositories was [introduced > in GitLab 11.3](/releases/2018/09/22/gitlab-11-3-released/#custom-file-templates-for-self-managed-instances).
[Issue Analytics]( > In this release, we have provided a dynamic chart showing the number of > issues created in your group, per month, for the past year. There is even > a filter that allows you to filter down to a particular scope of issues. > > This will help teams dig more deeply into their issue analytics. For example, > you can quickly see how many bug issues have been created, if you use a > bug label. > > See how we plan to [expand on charting capabilities]( > and please participate in the discussion.
[Preview merge request review before submitting it]( > Code review is an essential practice of successful projects, but > providing clear and actionable feedback can be difficult. A particular > challenge is avoiding leaving comments that become irrelevant or > incomplete as one's understanding of the changes improves as one reads > more of the diff. > > With this release you are now able to preview your merge request review > before submitting. Merge request reviews, introduced in GitLab 11.4, > allow reviewers to draft many items of feedback and submit them all as > a single action. > > In future iterations, we will improve the feature to send > [one email notification]( > per merge request review.
[Consistent status-check names for GitHub integration]( > It is now possible to configure status checks on the GitHub side that can be marked as "required" > without having to configure this one by one, based on their name. Previously, the check > names included the branch name, so it was not possible to do this easily. This feature is > enabled via the GitHub integration configuration section.
[Automatically navigate to last visited board]( > As teams use more and more issue boards, it can become cumbersome to navigate > among many of them in the dropdown navigation. With this release, GitLab > will automatically send you to the last visited board, whenever you access > the boards navigation from the sidebar menu of a given project or a group. > This is saved to the system, so even if you use GitLab between different > browsers and devices, the last visited board will be saved. > > Note that you can still directly link to a specific board by saving the > URL of the board when you are viewing it. > > See upcoming planned improvements to [managing multiple boards]( > and participate in the comments.
[Audit event logging for project features and group settings]( (self-managed only) > Audit Events captures important events that take place on your GitLab instance, and we're now capturing additional changes in 11.5: > > - [Project-level feature settings changes]( > - [Group settings changes](
[Geo improvements]( (self-managed only) > We continually focus on improving our [Geo](/solutions/geo/) feature for distributed teams. Some of the additional noteworthy improvements in GitLab 11.5 include: > > - [Rails console now always displays primary/secondary state correctly]( > - [Secondary instances now show a more specific flash message on actionable pages]( > - [Geo nodes projects list is now searchable]( > - [Recheck/resync of projects can now be triggered for all projects]( > - [Improved performance of Geo SQL queries]( > - [Major documentation improvements](
#### Core ![29 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![399 total badges]( "Total features in this tier")
[Access control for Pages]( (self-managed only) > The 11.5 release introduces a fantastic new community-contributed feature which enables > access control for Pages. Now, instead of only supporting use cases where the content > associated with the product is public, you can use Pages to build and publish protected > content that should only be accessible by project members. Operational documentation, internal > secrets, or even just private planning or other information can now be confidently published > automatically in an easy-to-access way, while ensuring only the right people are able to see > it. > > This is currently not enabled on, you can follow > [issue 5576]( > for more information.
[Easily deploy and integrate Knative with GitLab]( > Building serverless applications enables teams to focus their time on making a great product > and eliminates the need of provisioning, managing, and operating servers. > > Starting in GitLab 11.5, you can now deploy [Knative]( to your > existing Kubernetes cluster with a single click using the GitLab Kubernetes integration. Knative > is a Kubernetes-based platform to build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads. Tasks that > were once difficult, such as source-to-container builds, routing and managing traffic, > and scaling-to-zero, now work effortlessly out of the box.
[Parallel attribute for faster pipelines]( > The speed of pipelines is an important factor for any team, and running tests or other parallelizable tasks > tends to take a big chunk of the time for any build. Adding this new keyword gives teams the ability to > simply parallelize tests, allowing everyone to accelerate their software delivery process. To use this > feature, simply set the parallel attribute to how many copies of the task you'd like to split it into, > and GitLab will handle the work of automatically creating the appropriate number of jobs running your task.
[Comment on unchanged lines in merge request]( > An important purpose of code review is to draw attention to aspects of > the proposed change that may not have been considered. Often this means > pointing out unforseen consequences in areas of the code base that are > unchanged. > > GitLab now supports commenting on both changed and unchanged lines in > merge request diffs, so that you can directly draw the attention of the > author to changes that are required that have not yet been made. When > reviewing a merge request diff you can expand collapsed, unchanged lines > using the ellipsis (**…**) button. > > In upcoming releases, support for commenting on unchanged lines will be > expanded from changed files to > [unchanged files](
[Review App direct link]( > When you're working on a branch and have only changed a few files, it's not very helpful for the > Review App link to take you to the root of the website. To make this more useful, we've added a > dropdown selector to the Review App link which can now take you directly to the page(s) that you've > changed.
[Keep your email address private]( > It's important to know who is contributing code to your project and be > able to look up a commit author in the GitLab interface, using Git locally, > or on a fork hosted elsewhere, but this exposes your email publicly. > > GitLab now provides a `noreply` email address that can be used locally > and for web commits to help make it easier to keep your email address > private.
[Open a merge request with a patch via email]( > GitLab has supported opening a merge request via email for a long time, > but before sending the email the branch must already exist on the > server. Now you can open a merge request with only an email by > attaching one or more patch files (`.patch`). > > Patch files are the standard for sharing and transmitting changes > between systems. In future releases of GitLab we will build on this > foundation for > [distributed merge requests](, > which will allow merge requests between GitLab instances, and other > Git hosting tools too.
[Empty state for Wiki-only projects]( > We've improved the experience for Wiki-only projects without a default > project overview page. > The empty state for this project setup now better encourages users to add > a page to the relevant Wiki and get these projects off to a great start.
[Omnibus Go apps now use the GitLab cert directory]( (self-managed only) > GitLab includes a number of Go-based applications. Prior to 11.5, these applications utilized the standard OS > system location for trusted certificates, instead of the Omnibus GitLab directory. > > With this release, Go applications now use the same directory for trusted certificates as the rest of GitLab, > by default `/opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/`, making certificate management easier and more straightforward. > > GitLab installations which depended upon the Go applications using the system directory should move those certificates > to the standard Omnibus GitLab location.
[JSON logging for audit events]( (self-managed only) > In order to make audit events easier to analyze and ingest outside of GitLab, we've added `audit_json.log` to > capture audit events in a structured log file. With this change, shipping and parsing logs becomes much easier – > especially for visualization and analysis in other tools.
[File list for browsing merge request diff]( > Moving backwards and forwards between files in the merge request diff > is necessary in all but the smallest of changes. In addition to the > [file tree added in > GitLab 11.4](/releases/2018/10/22/gitlab-11-4-released/#file-tree-for-browsing-merge-request-diff), > GitLab now includes a searchable file list of changes to > make it easy to see which files have changed and jump between them, > whether you prefer a tree or a list.
[More information about deployments in merge requests]( > Currently, environment information is hidden when a newer pipeline is running. With this change > we are adding information on in-progress deployments to the widget, so you know that an update > is on its way. > > One of the most exciting results of this functionality in this release is that the link to the > current deployment will remain available in cases where a new deployment is running, allowing > you to still find the link to the Review App. In cases where lots of deployments were constantly > running, this previously made it quite difficult to get the timing right in some cases.
[Authenticate with Jira Cloud using email address and API token]( > Jira Cloud is [removing usernames for authentication]( > So to support this change, we now allow you to use an email address and > API token to authenticate with Jira Cloud instead.
[Milestone changed notification]( > GitLab milestones are useful for teams to plan and track work to be done > in a time-boxed period or to associate with a code release. These dates > are important for teams to communicate timelines with each other and > stakeholders in general. So when milestones change, it is critical that > people are updated. > > With this release, we've added email notifications for changing milestones > in issues and merge requests, so that people can stay updated if a piece > of work has been delayed, moved earlier, or just de-scoped.
[Issue Board cards redesigned]( > A central place of collaboration in GitLab is Issue Boards, where teams > can organize and view planned and ongoing work in one location. With this > release, we've improved the design of issue cards, showing relevant information > in a simple and organized manner. We are showing the issue title, time-tracking > information, confidentiality, labels, due date, weight, and assignee, all > in the card.
[Render 'index' files like 'README's in repositories]( > When a `README.*` file is present in a directory of a repository, it's > rendered automatically by GitLab without the need to explicitly > open it. With GitLab 11.5, it's now possible to do the same thing with > an `index.*` file. > > This is particularly useful when you also deploy your content online > using a static site generator. Previously, if you used `` it > would render to `README.html`, whereas with `index.html` you can now > have clean URLs since most web servers treat > `` and `` the > same. > > This is not limited to Markdown files as GitLab supports a number of > [markup languages](
[RBAC creates service account restricted to project's namespace]( > Securing Kubernetes instances is paramount for running production-ready, mission-critical apps. RBAC > provides great power and flexibility in securing your cluster. > > Starting in GitLab 11.5, our Kubernetes integration will create a dedicated service account and role > binding for each project's namespace which will be used in GitLab CI jobs. This eliminates the need to > use the `cluster-admin` token when interacting with GitLab CI runners.
[Discussion activity filter in issues and merge requests]( > We are glad to see teams collaborating actively in issue and merge request > comments. For more involved discussions and longer-lived issues and merge > requests, the discussion activity can become very long, with a lot of generated > system notes. > > With this release, we've implemented a filter to allow you to focus on just > comments or system activity in the discussion area of an issue or merge request. > Your selection is saved for all issues or all merge requests in GitLab. > So if you prefer one mode, you can just make the selection once, and it > will persist forever. > > We are planning to bring [the same functionality to epics]( > too.
[Update Git submodules via API]( > Git submodules allow you to include a Git repository within another Git > repository. GitLab now supports updating the submodule reference via > the API. This is particularly useful for automation, allowing you to > keep your project up to date with the latest dependencies using the > API.
[Show feedback if Git push validation takes too long]( > Every time you push changes to a Git repository on GitLab, GitLab > performs checks on each commit to enforce permissions, repository size > restrictions and validates the presence of LFS objects. In some cases > large pushes can fail without feedback when validation takes too long. > > GitLab now provides feedback when Git push operations time out because > validation is taking too long. This will help debug the source of the > problem by providing better feedback to the user.
[Discussion activity redesign in issues, merge requests, and epics]( > In this release, we've improved the design of discussion activity in issues, > merge requests, and epics. We've made it easier to read comments and parse > system note activity, so you can focus on the information that's relevant to > you at the given moment.
[Quick access to prioritized Group settings]( > With GitLab 11.5, we are iterating on the settings page of Groups to > prioritize the most sought-after configuration options. The top-most > section is expanded by default, and we've clarified labels and links to > provide clear direction on where to find settings and what they do. > We're continuously working on this – Project and Admin settings improvements > are coming soon!
['Create new group' page redesign]( > With this release, we are aligning the 'New group' page with the 'New > project' page, consolidating and repositioning relevant fields for clarity > and consistency.
Help menu in top navigation > With this release, we are updating the top navigation bar by moving two > items into a new, dedicated Help menu section. > We'll continue to add additional items there related to instance-level > support and feedback in future iterations coming soon!
[GitLab Helm chart improvements]( (self-managed only) > - LDAP and OmniAuth settings have been [unified in the `global` settings](, making it easier to configure. Users currently configuring it individually for each subchart will need to update their settings to upgrade to 11.5. > - Git protocol v2 is now enabled. > - The [GitLab Pseudonymizer]( is [now supported]( > - Maven package support is [now available](
Activity dashboard redesign > With this release, we are updating the activity dashboard design to give a better view into who is > doing what in your GitLab instance. The new activity feed gives a reader more context on what > actions have taken place to keep you always up to date.
[GitLab Runner 11.5]( > We're also releasing GitLab Runner 11.5 today! GitLab Runner is the open source project > that is used to run your CI/CD jobs and send the results back to GitLab. > > #### Most interesting changes: > > * [Support RAW artifacts]( > * [Add failure reason for execution timeout]( > > A list of all changes can be found in GitLab Runner's [CHANGELOG](
[Omnibus improvements]( (self-managed only) > - GitLab 11.5 includes [Mattermost 5.4](, an [open source Slack-alternative]( whose newest release includes user-focused features, new data export tool, plus much more. This version also includes [security updates]( and upgrade is recommended. > - It is now possible to set the [desired group name]( for each GitLab services to run as. > - Go-based applications included in GitLab Omnibus now utilize the standard Omnibus Gitlab directory for trusted certificates. > - The maximum number of concurrent connections to GitLab Pages can now be configured using `gitlab_pages['max_connections']`. > - `bundler` has been updated to 1.16.6, `unicode-display_width` to 1.4.0, `gitlab-monitor` to 2.19.1, and `gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer` to 0.3.0 > - We have improved the readability of the [list of open source licenses in use by GitLab](
[Performance improvements]( > Some of the more noteworthy performance improvements in GitLab 11.5 include: > > - [Issue board lists perform fewer SQL queries]( > - [Improved performance of the snippets dashboards by a factor of 250]( > - [License Management doesn't require Docker-in-Docker, and can now be cached by GitLab Runner]( See the [new job definition]( > - [Improve performance of rendering large reports]( > - [Significantly cut memory and SQL queries when reloading diffs]( > - [Use cached readme blobs where appropriate]( > - [Optimize merge request refresh by using the database to check commit SHAs]( > - [Reduce SQL queries needed to load open merge requests](

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