Release v11.6.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: GitLab 11.6
Released: 2020-04-03
License: MIT
Release Assets:

[Subscription details for Groups on]( (SaaS only)
> For [paid plans](
> on, we want to make it easy to understand the status of your
> subscription.
> In 11.6, we have improved the Billing section underneath a group's
> Settings page to include details on your group's plan. Now, you can
> easily find your group's current and past seat use, as well as the start
> and end date of your subscription.
[Unlimited free guests for Gold plans](
> In 11.0, we introduced unlimited guest users for Ultimate plans.
> We're extending this to Gold plans, so groups using's highest
> plan, whether self-managed or cloud SaaS, can benefit from adding guests at no additional cost.
[Promote issue to an epic](
> Software development is a creative process involving the whole team, and
> ideas should be welcome from everyone. Ideas that emerge as issues can now
> freely flow up into epics with the new issue promotion feature.
> You can now promote an issue to an epic simply by using a new
> [quick action](
> Just type `/promote` in a comment on the issue and hit **Comment**. This will
> close the issue, and copy over the content of the issue into a new epic,
> in the immediate parent group of the issue's project. Labels,
> participants, and even upvotes/downvotes will be copied over to the
> newly created epic, in addition to the title, description, and comment
> thread itself.
[View open or closed epics on roadmap](
> We recently introduced the ability to close epics, as a way to indicate
> that an epic is finished or no longer relevant.
> With this release, we're providing the option to view open epics,
> closed epics, or both on the roadmap view. This is helpful for
> teams that want to focus just on remaining and upcoming work (open
> epics), that want to review finished work (closed epics), or see
> recently finished work in conjunction with current work (both). This
> feature provides that flexibility. Additionally, your selection is saved
> to the system per user, so next time you return to a roadmap view, it
> will be what you have selected previously.
[Web Terminal for Web IDE (beta)]( (self-managed only)
> The Web IDE makes it faster and easier to contribute changes and resolve
> merge request feedback by eliminating the need to stash changes and
> switch branches locally. Yet, without a terminal to run tests,
> experiment in a REPL, or compile your code, making large changes is
> difficult.
> From the Web IDE, you can now launch a Web Terminal so that you can work
> in an editor side by side with a terminal, just like you would locally, to
> inspect API responses or check your syntax in a REPL. The Web Terminal
> is the first server-side evaluation feature of the Web IDE and is
> configured using a new `.gitlab/.gitlab-webide.yml` file.
> Interactive Web Terminals are not yet available on You can
> follow progress
> [here](
> Changes are not currently synchronized between the editor and the web
> terminal. In an upcoming release, we will add support for [mirroring
> changes]( and [live
> preview](
[Vulnerability Chart for Group Security Dashboards](
> The [Group Security
> Dashboard]( is
> the primary tool where Security professionals can manage vulnerabilities
> in their projects. One of the most important requirements is to know how the
> number of vulnerabilities is changing day by day, and understand if the
> team is solving problems quickly enough.
> With GitLab 11.6, the Vulnerability Chart for Group Security
> Dashboards enables you to easily view the graph of vulnerabilities from
> the last month. For each severity level, you can read values for
> vulnerabilities and move over the chart to see more details
> about a specific point in time.
[Auto DevOps support for Group Security Dashboard](
> In [GitLab
> 11.5](
> we released the [Group Security
> Dashboard](
> where
> [SAST](
> results are displayed.
> With 11.6, we update the [Auto
> DevOps]( template with the
> latest version of the [SAST
> job]( definition, and
> now results are fully compatible with the Group Security Dashboard, so
> users can enjoy both features at the same time.
> **Note:** The new SAST job definition requires [GitLab
> Runner]( 11.5 or above, you can read
> more details in this [blog
> post](/blog/2018/12/06/gitlab-runner-update-required-to-use-auto-devops-and-sast/).
[Project templates for Groups](
> Project templates help you bootstrap new projects quickly. In
> [11.2](/releases/2018/08/22/gitlab-11-2-released/#custom-project-templates-on-the-instance-level),
> we introduced project templates on the
> [instance level](
> With GitLab 11.6, we are happy to announce this functionality is now
> available for groups as well. By creating a sub-group within a new group
> setting, projects in this sub-group become available as templates. This
> streamlines the setup and ensures consistency across your projects,
> especially in larger group structures, such as microservice architectures.
[Authenticate with a smart card hardware token]( (self-managed only)
> For organizations operating in environments that use hardware tokens with
> X.509 certificates and smart card capabilities for authentication (like
> YubiKeys or Common Access Cards), GitLab now supports local user
> creation and login.
> Users can now use hardware tokens to access GitLab, increasing security and
> avoiding the need for managing username/password credentials not
> connected to a physical token.
[Geo improvements]( (self-managed only)
> We continually focus on improving our [Geo](/solutions/geo/)
> feature for distributed teams. Some of the noteworthy improvements in
> GitLab 11.6 include:
> - [Geo now constantly reverifies repositories](
> - [Finalizing Hashed Storage GA](
[Single email notification for Merge Request Reviews](
> Code review is an essential practice of every successful project, but
> receiving email notifications for each comment can be overwhelming.
> Reviews now only send a single email notification listing all the
> feedback to help keep your inbox tidy.
> [Reviews](/releases/2018/10/22/gitlab-11-4-released/#merge-request-reviews),
> added in GitLab 11.4, make code review easier, allowing comments to be
> drafted, reviewed, and submitted in a single action.
> This feature is available on today, and can be enabled
> for self-managed GitLab instances using the `batch_review_notification`
> [feature flag]( It will
> be enabled by default for self-managed instances in GitLab 11.7.
[Serverless (alpha)](
> Building on the [Knative integration introduced in GitLab 11.5](/releases/2018/11/22/gitlab-11-5-released/#easily-deploy-and-integrate-knative-with-gitlab), our new
> Serverless capability allows users to easily define functions in
> their repository and have them served and managed by Knative.
> By simply defining your function data in the repo's `serverless.yml`
> file and using a `.gitlab-ci.yml` template, each function will be deployed to your cluster, with Knative
> taking care of scaling your function based on request volume. This will
> allow application developers to iterate quickly without
> having to worry about provisioning or managing infrastructure.
[Kubernetes clusters for Groups (beta)](
> Often, development teams working on related projects
> need to use the same Kubernetes cluster to deploy their
> applications. Starting with GitLab 11.6, users are able to create a
> group-level Kubernetes cluster that can be used for all projects
> contained within the group or sub-groups.
> This will greatly reduce the time/effort required to configure infrastructure
> for your projects and allow you to focus on developing great
> applications.
[Cert-manager for Kubernetes](
> Securing applications is critical for production-grade deployments.
> Cert-manager is a Kubernetes-native certificate management controller
> that will automatically issue and renew SSL certificates using Let's
> Encrypt.
> Using this SSL certificate will enable HTTPS for applications
> served via Auto DevOps as well as for JupyterHub deployments.
[Improved project overview](
> With GitLab 11.6, we further iterate on the user interface of our
> project overview page, by introducing a better balance for the project header,
> improving whitespace and contrast to better highlight more frequently used
> actions, and improving the overall information structure.
User profile popovers
> In this release, we introduce enriched popovers when hovering over a
> username, starting with issue and merge request pages. While we previously
> only displayed the full name, you can now view the user's full
> name, ID, company, and location information, as well as their status if
> available.
> Besides providing this extended tooltip on further pages, we are working
> on follow-up enhancements for
> [issue]( and [merge
> request]( tooltips
> that will be available shortly.
Breadcrumb navigation shows 'New' and 'Edit' for milestones and labels
> With this release, we enhance our GitLab breadcrumb navigation structure
> for milestones and labels. When creating or editing a milestone or label,
> the breadcrumb context shows an additional 'New' or 'Edit' item, now
> consistent with issues and merge requests.
> Thank you [George Tsiolis]( for the
> contribution!
[HTTPS Support for Auto DevOps](
> Auto DevOps aims to solve the many challenges posed when delivering
> quality software. GitLab 11.6 furthers its capabilities by adding HTTPS
> support.
> Using Cert-manager for Kubernetes, Auto DevOps will automatically
> serve applications over HTTPS, providing increased security for your
> applications.
[HTTPS support for JupyterHub](
> JupyterHub notebooks provide a powerful way for data teams to share
> information. Oftentimes, sensitive data requires increased security.
> Using Cert-manager for Kubernetes, JupyterHub will automatically
> serve Jupyter over HTTPS, providing increased security for your
> sensitive data.
[Show Kubernetes HTTP response code](
> To aid troubleshooting the installation of GitLab-managed apps in
> your Kubernetes cluster, our integration will now return the HTTP
> response code from Kubernetes, so resolving issues will be easier and
> faster.
[Disable impersonation of users by admins]( (self-managed only)
> For some organizations, allowing admin impersonation presents a security
> risk since the actions of administrators are attributed to the user
> they are impersonating. In order to address this, we're adding a
> configurable option to disable admin impersonations.
[GitLab Runner 11.6](
> We're also releasing GitLab Runner 11.6 today! GitLab Runner is the open
> source project that is used to run your CI/CD jobs and send the results
> back to GitLab.
> ##### Most interesting changes:
> * [Docker executor: use DNS, DNSSearch and ExtraHosts settings from
> configuration](
> * [Fix some invalid links in
> documentation](
> * [Make k8s object names DNS-1123
> compatible](
> A list of all changes can be found in GitLab Runner's
[Omnibus improvements]( (self-managed only)
> - Postgres is now installed in a directory under its major version name, so updates within a major version no longer require a restart of the database.
> - GitLab now supports [connecting to Redis over SSL (rediss://)](
> - The `omnibus-gitlab` container image's sshd config now supports Git Protocol v2 by default.
> - GitLab 11.6 includes [Mattermost 5.5](, an [open source Slack-alternative]( whose newest release includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.
> - `postgres` has been updated to 9.6.11, `ruby` to 2.5.3, `docker-distribution` with a partial set of 2.7.0 commits.
> - `prometheus` has been updated 2.5.0, `prometheus-storage-migrator` to 0.2.0, `postgres-exporter` to 0.4.7, and `pgbouncer-exporter` to 0.0.4.
[Performance improvements](
> We continue to improve the performance of GitLab with every release,
> for GitLab instances of every size.
> In GitLab 11.6 we have significantly reduced the memory usage of the
> `ReactiveCaching` worker by switching to Nokogiri for XML parsing, and we've
> halved the compressed payload size of the merge request discussions
> endpoint.
> These and other noteworthy performance improvements include:
> - [Improve the rendering performance of new and current merge request discussions by reducing the number of dependencies on each discussion object](
> - [Improve merge request discussions endpoint size by removing unused data](
> - [Improve performance of projects API by removing N+1 RPC calls to get readme_url](
> - [Improve performance of issue boards on first load](
> - [Improve performance of `ReactiveCaching` worker by changing XML parser](
> The chart shows the reduction in memory usage by the `ReactiveCaching`
> worker since deploying GitLab 11.6 to
[Discord notifications](
> With this release, you can now integrate GitLab with
> [Discord](, allowing you to send notifications
> to a Discord channel in response to GitLab events, such as pushes to a
> repository, updates to an issue, merge requests, and others.
> Thank you [Vitaliy Klachkov]( for the
> contribution!
[Improved issue and merge request dashboard filtering](
> We've updated the search filter bar design for the issues and merge
> request dashboards, making it consistent with the similar search filter
> bars in the rest of GitLab.
[Per-user saved sort order in issues, merge requests, and epics](
> There are now user-specified sort order selections in issues, merge
> requests, epics, and even roadmap views. Which type of attribute you
> choose to sort by, and in which order you choose to sort (ascending or
> descending), is saved to the system, so that when you return to the same
> type of object list, it will remain what you have selected previously.
[Similar issues](
> As projects grow and more issues are created, often the same issues are
> created again and again.
> To help people find answers faster, and save maintainers time, similar issues
> are now shown when creating a new issue. In particular, they are shown when
> entering the title in the new issue web form. This will help users see similar
> issues right away, and allow them to navigate to them, and participate in
> those existing conversations immediately, allowing for more collaboration
> in GitLab.
[Suggested Changes](
> Collaborating on merge requests is now easier – no more copy/pasting to
> accept a suggested change. Changes can now be suggested when leaving a
> comment on a merge request diff and accepted with a single click.
> Changes can be suggested when commenting on a diff in a merge request,
> and accepted by any user with write permissions to the source branch.
> This feature is available on today, and can be enabled
> for self-managed GitLab instances using the `diff_suggestions` [feature
> flag]( It will be
> enabled by default for self-managed instances in GitLab 11.7.
[SSH push mirroring support with public-key authentication](
> Repository mirroring allows you to replicate Git repositories from one
> location to another. This makes it easier to work with multiple GitLab
> instances by mirroring your repository in GitLab to a different server.
> However, some target servers only allow Git access via SSH using
> public-key authentication.
> GitLab now supports SSH push mirroring with public-key authentication,
> in addition to password-authenticated SSH and HTTP push mirroring.
[Markdown front matter filtering for TOML and JSON](
> Front matter is metadata included at the beginning of a markdown document,
> often used by static site generators such as [Jekyll](
> and [Hugo]( When GitLab displays
> markdown files in repositories as rendered HTML, front matter retains its format and is displayed as-is, for clarity.
> In addition to YAML front matter delimeters (`---`), GitLab now also supports TOML delimiters (`+++`), JSON
> delimiters (`;;;`), and arbitrary delimiters, enabling the support of any data format.
> Thank you [Travis Miller]( for your
> contribution!
[Run CI/CD for merge requests](
> Running a given job only when dealing with a merge request is now easy.
> Using the `merge_requests` value with `only/except` keywords will allow
> you to configure jobs to run only (or except) when in the context of a
> merge request. This allows finer control over pipeline behavior, and
> also allows access to new environment variables indicating the target
> branch and merge request ID when relevant, offering opportunities for
> implementation of other more advanced behaviors.
[Pipelines can now be deleted by project maintainers using API](
> Deleting a pipeline is now possible using the API, which allows for
> cases where perhaps secrets have been leaked in a pipeline, many
> unneeded pipelines have been created, or other issues have occurred
> where pipelines need to be deleted.
[Trigger variables are now hidden in UI by default](
> All trigger variables are now hidden by default in the UI and require a
> manual action to display. This will prevent unintended exposure of
> values when screen sharing or taking screenshots.