Release v11.7.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: GitLab 11.7

Released: 2020-04-03

License: MIT

Release Assets:

![24 new features]( "New features added in this release") ![623 total badges]( "Total features") #### [Ultimate]( ![4 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![67 total badges]( "Total features in this tier") ##### [Plan](

[Multi-level Child Epics]( > Epics and issues work great together to provide flexibility in defining > longer-term work plans. However, they are still limited to providing > only a two-layer structure. > > With this release, we are introducing Child Epics. You can now have an > epic containing both issues and epics. This allows you to create > multi-level work breakdown structures. So you can now represent even > longer-term strategic initiatives or organization goals as high-level > epics, and then have multiple levels of epics below those to break them > down into more tangible deliverables, all the way down to issues.
##### [Application security testing](
[Remediate vulnerability with patch file]( > GitLab can detect different types of vulnerabilities in your apps, and also suggest a possible > remediation to fix them. > > Starting with GitLab 11.7, you can download a patch file, and apply it to your repo using the > `git apply` command. Then you can push changes back to your repository, and the [security dashboard]( > will confirm if the vulnerability is gone! > This makes the resolution process very easy and reduces the time needed to deploy a solution. > Currently, Dependency Scanning vulnerabilities for the `yarn` package manager are supported, and > you don't need to change anything to make it work. The patch will be available, every time it is > possible, in the vulnerability details window.
[Filter vulnerabilities in the Group Security Dashboard]( > The Group Security Dashboard allows security teams to keep everything under control > by showing vulnerabilities that affect their groups. > > With GitLab 11.7, users can filter displayed vulnerabilities by severity, report type, > and project name. With this ability, they can focus on what they need and reach their > data faster, especially useful when there are many entries in the list.
[Show Dependency Scanning results in the Group Security Dashboard]( > The Group Security Dashboard was initially released with [SAST]( > results only, so users were not able to manage other types of vulnerabilities with this feature. > > With GitLab 11.7, [Dependency Scanning]( > findings have been added to the set of available data. > If you are already using the [new report syntax](, > you will automatically see results in the dashboard. > The [Auto DevOps]( template has been > updated as well, and it now requires [GitLab Runner]( 11.5 or above > to run the Dependency Scanning job correctly.
#### [Premium]( ![4 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![118 total badges]( "Total features in this tier") ##### [Plan](
[Search filter box for issue board navigation]( > Teams often use many issue boards in a given project or board, making > the dropdown navigation difficult to use if the list is very long. With > this release, we are introducing a search filter. Simply type a few characters > in the search filter box to quickly narrow down to the issue board you are > interested in, making navigation much easier.
##### [Create](
[Stricter self-approval restrictions]( > Code review is an essential practice of every successful project, and > should be conducted by someone who isn't the author of the change. By > default, self approval of merge requests is not permitted, but was > prevented based on the author of the merge request, not the commits in > the merge request. > > From GitLab 11.7, self-approval restrictions also prevent people who > have committed changes to the merge request from approving, so that > merge requests authored by multiple engineers receive fully independent > code reviews and approvals.
##### [Verify](
[Cross-project pipeline browsing]( > It is now possible to expand upstream or downstream cross-project pipelines right from the > pipeline view, giving you visibility into your end-to-end pipelines, no matter in which project > they start or finish.
##### [Package](
[NPM registry]( > JavaScript developers need a secure, standardized way to share and version control NPM packages across projects. An NPM registry offers developers of lower-level services a way to publish their code in such a way. > > In GitLab 11.7, we are proud to offer NPM registries built directly into GitLab. This being integrated right into GitLab would mean they can then share a simple package-naming convention to utilize that library in any Node.js project, and NPM and GitLab will do the rest, all from a single interface. This feature is available with GitLab Premium. > > Check out a [sample project]( which builds and pushes to the GitLab NPM registry, and see how easy it is!
#### Core ![16 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![438 total badges]( "Total features in this tier")
[Publish releases for your projects]( > Our new Releases feature adds the ability to create releases in GitLab and view them on a summary page. Releases are > a snapshot in time of the source, links, and other metadata or artifacts associated with a > released version of your code, and allow for users of your project to easily discover the latest released > version of your code.
[Configure Kubernetes app secrets as variables for Auto DevOps pipelines]( > Operators and administrators require that the configuration of secrets takes place outside the application's repository to > reduce risk and exposure of sensitive data. To address this need, GitLab now offers the ability to configure > secrets as environment variables that are made available to the Auto DevOps application running in your Kubernetes cluster. > > Simply prepend your variable with `K8S_SECRET_` and the relevant Auto DevOps CI pipeline will take your application > secret variable to populate a Kubernetes secret.
[API support for Kubernetes integration]( > With this release, we have brought API support to our Kubernetes integration. This means that all the actions > currently available in the GUI, such as listing, adding, and deleting a Kubernetes cluster are now accessible > via the API. Teams can use this new functionality to fold in cluster creation as part of their workflow.
[Project list redesign]( > Projects are first-class citizens in GitLab, and we want to make project > lists visually pleasing and easy to parse. > > In GitLab 11.7, we introduced a redesign of the project list UI that focuses > on readability and a summary of the project's activity. We've given each > project row additional project information and whitespace, and will > [continue to iterate]( > on the design based on feedback.
[RBAC mode default for Kubernetes cluster creation]( > Securing your Kubernetes cluster is vital in order to control and limit who can access the cluster > and what actions they are allowed to perform. > > Starting with GitLab 11.7, all clusters will default to RBAC-enabled at time of creation, providing more secure and > protected infrastructure.
[GitLab Runner 11.7]( > We're also releasing GitLab Runner 11.7 today! GitLab Runner is the open source project > that is used to run your CI/CD jobs and send the results back to GitLab. > > ##### Most interesting changes: > > - [Kill Web Terminal session when build is canceled]( > - [Fix path separator for CI_PROJECT_DIR in Windows]( > > List of all changes can be found in GitLab Runner's [CHANGELOG](
[Omnibus improvements]( (self-managed only) > - GitLab 11.7 includes [Mattermost 5.6](, an [open source Slack-alternative]( whose newest release includes interactive message dialogs, new admin tools, Ukrainian language support, and much more. > - [Enhanced Networking]( support is now available for the [official GitLab AMI images](, allowing for additional instance types to be utilized, as well as increased bandwidth.
[Performance improvements]( > We continue to improve the performance of GitLab with every release, > for GitLab instances of every size. > > In GitLab 11.7, we have significantly improved the performance of > viewing merge requests by [caching syntax highlighted discussion > diffs]( > > Other noteworthy performance improvements include: > > - [Improve push performance by skipping pre-commit validations that have passed on other branches]( > - [Remove redundant counts in snippets search]( > - [Speed up Open board list when there are assignee lists](
##### [Plan](
[Support catch-all email mailboxes including Microsoft Exchange and Google Groups for incoming email features]( > GitLab has some great features that use incoming email, such as [reply by email](, > [new issue by email](, > [new merge request by email](, > and [service desk]( > Previously, you could only take advantage of these features if you used an email > server configured to use sub-addressing. > > With this release, GitLab now supports both sub-addressing and catch-all > email mailboxes, using a new email format, allowing more email servers to > be used with GitLab, including Microsoft Exchange and Google Groups (which > do not support sub-addressing).
[Import issues CSV]( > Often when teams start using GitLab, they may be using different tools and have legacy data. > You may be currently using Jira but would like to move to GitLab issues. > > With this release, we are making this transition easier. Since many issue > tracking systems allow for a CSV export, you can now import such an export > of issues into GitLab, allowing you to continue managing your existing > work, importing legacy data into GitLab for future search and retrieval > as necessary. This will work with Jira or any issue tracking system that > can generate a CSV export. > > GitLab also has an existing [CSV export feature]( > too.
##### [Create](
[Support for private Go packages in subgroups]( > Go packages hosted in GitLab can be installed using `go get`, however > this was not supported for private projects in subgroups. Starting with > GitLab 11.7, any project can be used as a Go package, including private > projects in subgroups. > > Private packages are supported by the `go get` command using a `.netrc` > file, and using a personal access token in the `password` field. > > Thank you [MortyChoi]( for the > contribution!
##### [Verify](
[Short commit SHA available as environment variable]( > Git SHAs are 40-character pointers to specific objects (i.e., commits) in a Git repo. Often, showing the full string > is unwieldy and you just want to show the first eight characters as a quick (though not guaranteed unique) > reference. We've added the `CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA` environment variable to the CI pipeline for this purpose, > which will give you the first part of the commit SHA being built.
[Authorization support for fetching includes]( > When including external files in your pipeline definition using the `include` keyword, these are fetched using > HTTP/HTTPS requests. You are now able to access yamls on another project with no public access (e.g., > a private project on using the credentials the pipeline is running as.
[Include CI/CD files from other projects and templates]( > The `include` keyword allows users to create CI/CD pipelines dynamically, with > external files included into the configuration. This was previously possible > only for files in the project repository, or for remote files fetched via HTTP. > > With GitLab 11.7, users can include their snippets of configuration also from > other projects and from the predefined templates. > GitLab will include snippets for specific jobs, like `sast` or > `dependency_scanning`, so users can reference them instead of copying and pasting > the current definition. The jobs will automatically be updated to the latest > version when GitLab is updated, so there is no need for manual changes.
[Skip CI builds during git push]( > For commits where users don't want to run the CI/CD pipeline, they were able to add a note to the commit message with `[ci skip]` > or `[skip ci]`. However, many users don't want to or can't change their commit messages to contain additional information. > > As of GitLab 11.7, users can use [Git push options]( in Git 2.10 or newer > when pushing to GitLab to prevent the pipeline run for their push. Using `git push -o ci.skip` will now achieve the same goal > without any changes to the commit message. > > Thank you [Jonathon Reinhart]( for the > contribution!
##### [Monitor](
[Support for NGINX Ingress 0.16.0+ metrics]( > With the release of [NGINX Ingress 0.16.0](, > Prometheus metrics are now [built in natively]( rather than relying > on an external exporter. > > GitLab 11.7 now includes [support for the metrics]( > exported by NGINX Ingress 0.16.0+, and will automatically > detect and display the throughput, latency, and error rate of deployments.

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