Release v11.9.0-ee
Name: GitLab
Release: GitLab 11.9
Released: 2020-04-03
License: MIT
Release Assets:

#### [Ultimate](

##### [Plan](
[Reorder child epics](
> We recently released [Child Epics](/releases/2019/01/22/gitlab-11-7-released/#multi-level-child-epics), which is the ability to have epics of epics (in addition
> to child issues of epics).
> With this release, you can now reorder the child
> epics of an epic simply by dragging and dropping, exactly the same as with child
> issues. This allows teams to use ordering to represent priority or to prescribe
> an order of implementation of work.
[View ancestor epics in the epic sidebar](
> We recently released [Child Epics](/releases/2019/01/22/gitlab-11-7-released/#multi-level-child-epics), which is the ability to have
> epics of epics.
> In GitLab 11.9, we've made it even easier to see
> that relationship. You can now see not only your parent epic in a given
> epic, but your entire epic tree, right in the sidebar. You can see whether
> those epics are closed or not, and even navigate directly to them.
[Detect secrets and credentials in the repository](
> A recurring problem when developing applications is that developers may
> unintentionally commit secrets and credentials to their remote repositories.
> If other people have access to the source, or if the project is public, the
> sensitive information is then exposed and can be leveraged by malicious users
> to gain access to resources like deployment environments.
> GitLab 11.9 includes a new check called Secret Detection. It scans the
> content of the repository to find API keys and other information that should
> not be there. GitLab displays results in the SAST report in the merge
> request widget, pipelines reports, and the security dashboards.
> If you already have SAST enabled for your app, you don't need to take any
> action to benefit from this new feature. It is also already included in
> [Auto DevOps]( default configuration.
[Vulnerability remediation merge request](
> Remediation should be a simple process to quickly fix vulnerabilities
> in your code. It is important to make security patches easy, allowing developers
> to focus on what they are supposed to do.
> In GitLab 11.7, we provided a [remediation patch file](/releases/2019/01/22/gitlab-11-7-released/#remediate-vulnerability-with-patch-file),
> but users had to download it, apply it locally, and then push changes back to the remote repository.
> GitLab 11.9 automates this flow. Now, remediation can be done without leaving
> the GitLab web interface. You can create a merge request directly from the vulnerability details window
> and this new branch will already contain the fix. You can then check if it solves the problem,
> and merge it into your original branch if the pipeline is green.
[Container Scanning results in the group security dashboard](
> The group security dashboard allows security engineers to focus on what's
> most important to work on, giving a clear and high-level view of all the
> possible security vulnerabilities affecting their apps. That's why it is
> essential that it contains all the relevant information in a single
> place, and allows users to drill down to start the remediation process.
> With GitLab 11.9, Container Scanning results are added to the dashboard,
> along with the already present SAST and Dependency Scanning findings.
> You now have a complete view in a single place, no matter
> the source of the problem.
[CI/CD templates for security jobs](
> GitLab security features are evolving very fast, and they always need to be up to date
> to be effective and protect your code. We know that changing the
> job definition is difficult if you have to manage multiple projects.
> We also know that you don't want to risk using the latest GitLab version if you don't have
> confidence it is totally compatible with your current GitLab instance.
> That's why with GitLab 11.7, we introduced a new way to include job definitions, using
> [templates](/releases/2019/01/22/gitlab-11-7-released/#include-cicd-files-from-other-projects-and-templates).
> Starting with GitLab 11.9, we ship built-in templates for all the security jobs, like
> `sast` and `dependency_scanning`, that are compatible with the GitLab version
> they come with.
> You can now include them directly into your configuration, and have them updated with
> your system every time you upgrade to a new version of GitLab, without any change to
> any pipeline configuration.
> This new way to define security jobs is official and deprecates
> any other previous job definition or snippet of code. You should update the definition
> to use the new `template` keyword as soon as possible. Support for any other syntax could be removed
> in GitLab 12.0 or other future releases.
> {: .alert .alert-info}
[Adjustable time ranges for security dashboard charts](
> The group security dashboard includes a vulnerability chart to have an overview
> of the recent security status of your groups' projects. This is very useful to
> security directors to tune their processes and understand how the team is performing.
> In GitLab 11.9, you can now select the time range of this vulnerability chart.
> The default is the last 90 days, but you can set the time window to 60 or 30 days,
> based on the level of details you want to reach.
> This doesn't affect data shown in the counters or in the list, but only data points plotted
> on the chart.
> {: .alert .alert-info}
[SAST for TypeScript](
> [TypeScript]( is a relatively new programming
> language based on [JavaScript](
> With GitLab 11.9, the Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is able to analyze
> and detect vulnerabilities in TypeScript code, showing them in the merge request
> widget, at the pipeline level, and in the security dashboard. You don't need to change
> your current `sast` job definition, and it is also automatically included in
> [Auto DevOps](
[SAST for multi-module Maven projects](
> Maven projects are often organized to aggregate
> [multiple modules](
> in one single repository. Previously, GitLab was not able to scan those projects correctly,
> and vulnerabilities were not reported to developers and security researchers.
> GitLab 11.9 introduces improved Static Application Security Testing (SAST) support for
> this specific project configuration that can now be tested for vulnerabilities out of
> the box. Because of the flexibility of our analyzers, the configuration is automatically
> detected and you don't need to change anything to see results for your multi-module Maven
> apps. As usual, the same improvements are also available as part of
> [Auto DevOps](
[Auditing for feature flags](
> Operations like adding, removing, or changing Feature Flags are now recorded
> in the GitLab audit log, giving you visibility into what is changing and when. If you're having
> an incident and need to see what changed recently, or just need to look back as an auditor on
> how your feature flags have been modified, this is now very easy to do.
[Navigate to recent issue boards](
> Issue Boards are very powerful and teams are creating many boards per project
> and per group. Recently, we added a search bar to quickly filter down to
> boards you care about.
> In GitLab 11.9, we've also introduced a **Recent**
> section in the dropdown, so that you can quickly navigate to boards you've
> recently interacted with.
[Merge request approval rules](
> Code review is an essential practice of every successful project, but
> who should review the changes is not always clear. It is often
> desirable to have a variety of reviewers from different teams like
> Engineering, UX, and Product.
> Approval Rules allow you to better communicate who should participate
> in code reviews by specifying the eligible approvers and the minimum
> number of approvals for each. Approval rules are shown in the merge
> request widget so the next reviewer can quickly be assigned.
> In GitLab 11.8, Approval Rules were disabled by default. From GitLab
> 11.9, they are available by default.
> UPDATE: Approval Rules continue to be
> disabled by default due to a
> [regression](
> In GitLab 11.3, we introduced
> [Code Owners](/releases/2018/09/22/gitlab-11-3-released/#code-owners)
> to indicate which team members are responsible for which code in your
> project. Code owners are integrated into approval rules so that finding
> the right people to review your change is always easy.
[Require merge request approvals from Code Owners](
> It isn't always obvious who you should ask to approve your merge request.
> GitLab now supports requiring merge request approvals based on which
> files a merge request changes using [Code Owners](
> Code owners are assigned using a file named `CODEOWNERS`, a format similar to
> [`gitattributes`](
> Support for automatically assigning Code Owners as merge request
> approvers was added in
> [GitLab 11.5](/releases/2018/11/22/gitlab-11-5-released/#assign-approvers-based-on-code-owners).
[Filter the merge request list by assigned approvers](
> Code review is an essential practice of every successful project but,
> as a reviewer, it can be hard to keep track of which merge requests you
> have been asked to review.
> In GitLab 11.9, the merge request list can now be filtered by the assigned
> approver, so that you can find the merge requests you have been added
> to as an approver.
> Thank you, [Glavin Wiechert](, for the
> contribution!
[Upgrade Code Climate to 0.83.0](
> GitLab [Code Quality](
> uses the [Code Climate engine]( to check
> how a change will affect the health of your code and project.
> With GitLab 11.9, we've upgraded the engine to the latest release (
> [0.83.0]( to bring the
> benefits of additional language and linting support to GitLab Code Quality.
> Thank you GitLab Core Team member [Takuya Noguchi]( for the contribution!
[Move ChatOps to Core](
> Initially introduced in GitLab Ultimate 10.6, ChatOps has now moved to GitLab Core.
> GitLab ChatOps provides the ability to trigger GitLab CI jobs from Slack by using the
> [slash commands](
> feature.
> We are open sourcing this feature in alignment with our [buyer-driven tier designation](/blog/2018/12/24/gitlab-chatops-will-become-available-to-everyone/)
> to encourage its use and contribution by the community.
[Project templates for .NET, Go, iOS, and Pages](
> To make it easier for our users to create new projects, we shipped several new projects templates:
> - A starter [.NET Core project template](
> that includes a basic application integrated with CI.
> - A ready-to-go template that combines the
> [Go Micro microservices framework](
> with GitLab CI/CD.
> - An [iOS "hello world" app](
> ready for you to start customizing in GitLab. Note that since iOS builds require a dedicated
> macOS runner, you'll need to provide your own build server if you want to use this with
> GitLab CI/CD.
> - [GitLab Pages templates]( configured
> to work with Netlify.
[Edit Knative domain post-deployment](
> Specifying a custom domain when installing Knative allows different serverless
> applications/functions to be served from a unique endpoint.
> GitLab's Kubernetes integration now allows the custom domain to be changed/updated _after_
> Knative has been deployed to your Kubernetes cluster.
[Validate Kubernetes CA certificate format](
> When adding an existing Kubernetes cluster, GitLab will now validate that the CA
> certificate being entered is in a valid PEM format to reduce possible errors
> when using the Kubernetes integration.
> Building on the [`include`]( functionality of GitLab CI,
> the serverless `gitlab-ci.yml` template has been greatly simplified, allowing new functionality to be introduced
> in future releases without needing to introduce changes to this file.
on serverless projects]([Restrict JupyterHub login access only to group/project members](
> Deploying JupyterHub via GitLab's Kubernetes integration is a great way to serve and share
> Jupyter notebooks with large groups. It is also beneficial to control access to notebooks
> when sensitive or private data is shared.
> With GitLab 11.9, login to JupyterHub instances deployed via Kubernetes integration is limited to members with
> "Developer" project access (via either group or project).
[Support Ingress hostnames](
> When deploying a Kubernetes Ingress controller, some platforms may return
> an IP address (for example, Google's GKE) while others may return a DNS name (for example, AWS' EKS).
> Our Kubernetes integration now supports both types of endpoints for display
> in the `clusters` section of the project.
> Thank you, [Aaron Walker](, for the contribution!
[Add Auto DevOps build job for tags](
> Auto DevOps' Auto Build stage creates a build of your application by making
> use of the project's `Dockerfile` or a Heroku buildpack.
> With GitLab 11.9, the resulting Docker image built in the tag pipeline
> will be named similarly to traditional image names using the commit `tag`
> instead of the commit `SHA`.
> Thank you, [Aaron Walker](, for the contribution!
[GitLab Runner 11.9](
> We're also releasing GitLab Runner 11.9 today! GitLab Runner is the open source project
> that is used to run your CI/CD jobs and send the results back to GitLab.
> The following are some of the changes in GitLab Runner 11.9:
> - [Update alpine images to alpine 3.9](
> - [Add windows Dockerfiles for gitlab-runner-helper]( and [add script for building windows helper image](
> - [Update docker API version]( This also [deprecates support for the Docker executor in CentOS 6](#centos-6-support-for-gitlab-runner-using-the-docker-executor).
> - [Add ability to mask variables in log trace]( to support [simple masking of protected variables in logs]( coming in GitLab 11.10.
> - [Add documentation for OS deprecations coming in 12.0](
> - [Update SNTP command to fix time sync in Parallels executor](
> - Migrate multiple scripts including [service wait script]( and [cache bash script]( to Go.
> - [Deprecate helper image commands](
> - [Fetch code from provided refspecs](
> - [Resolve memory allocation failure when cloning repositories with LFS objects larger than available RAM](
> A complete list of changes can be found in GitLab Runner's [CHANGELOG](
[GitLab chart improvements]( (self-managed only)
> The following improvements have been made to GitLab charts:
> - Support for Google Cloud Memorystore has been added.
> - Cron job settings [are now global settings](
> as they are shared across multiple services.
> - The registry has been updated to 2.7.1.
> - A new flag has been added that allows the GitLab Registry to be
> compatible with versions of Docker prior to 1.10. To enable, set
> `registry.compatibility.schema1.enabled: true`.
[Omnibus improvements]( (self-managed only)
> The following improvements have been made to Omnibus in GitLab 11.9:
> - GitLab 11.9 includes [Mattermost 5.8](, an [open source Slack alternative]( whose newest release includes MFA for Team Edition, improved image performance, and much more. This version also includes [security updates]( and upgrading is recommended.
> - A new flag has been added that allows the GitLab Registry to be compatible with versions of Docker prior to 1.10. To enable, set `registry['compatibility_schema1_enabled'] = true` in `gitlab.rb`.
> - The GitLab Registry now exports Prometheus metrics and is automatically monitored by the [bundled Prometheus service](
> - Support for Google Cloud Memorystore has been added, which requires [`redis_enable_client` to be disabled](
> - `openssl` has been updated to 1.0.2r, `nginx` to 1.14.2, `python` to 3.4.9, `jemalloc` to 5.1.0, `docutils` to 0.13.1, and `gitlab-monitor` to 3.2.0.
[Performance improvements](
> We continue to improve the performance of GitLab with every release
> for GitLab instances of every size. Some of the improvements in GitLab
> 11.9 are:
> - [Reduce SQL queries in todos API endpoint](
> - [Improve performance of labels dropdown in issues](
> - [Optimize SQL queries used for counting group issues when searching](
> - [Improve performance of rendering labels in the sidebar](
[Reply to comment](
> GitLab has threaded discussions. Up to now, the user writing the
> initial comment has to decide at the outset if they want a discussion.
> With this release, we've relaxed that constraint. You can now take
> any comment in GitLab (in issues, merge requests, and epics) and reply
> to it, thus starting a threaded discussion. This allows for much more organized
> collaboration amongst your teams.
[Alphabetically ordered labels](
> GitLab labels are incredibly versatile, with teams always finding new ways
> to use them. Consequently, users often add many labels to a given issue,
> merge request, or epic.
> In GitLab 11.9, we are making consuming those labels a little bit easier.
> In issues, merge requests, and epics, the labels showing up in the sidebar
> are now ordered alphabetically. This is also the same in the list views
> of these objects too.
[Quickly comment when filtering issue activity](
> We recently released a feature to enable users to filter the activity feed
> in an issue, merge request, or epic, allowing users to focus on only comments
> or system notes. Since this setting is saved per person in the system,
> sometimes a user may not realize they are looking at a filtered feed when
> they view an issue a few days later and seem to be unable to comment.
> In this release, we improved this interaction. Users can now quickly
> switch back to a mode that allows them to comment without scrolling back
> to the top of the feed. This applies to issues, merge requests, and epics.
[Custom header and footer system message in web and email]( (self-managed only)
> Previously, we added a feature to allow a custom header and footer message
> to appear on every page in GitLab. This was extremely well received and teams
> are using it to communicate critical information such as system-wide messages
> relating to their GitLab instance.
> In this release, we're happy to bring
> this feature to Core so that even more users can use it. Additionally, we
> are allowing users to optionally have the same custom messages appear in
> all emails sent by GitLab, bringing the same consistency to another GitLab user touchpoint.
[Filter by confidential issues](
> Confidential issues are a useful tool for teams to have private discussions
> on sensitive topics in an otherwise public project. In particular, they
> are ideal for working on security vulnerabilities. Until now,
> it was not particularly easy to manage or surface confidential issues.
> In GitLab 11.9, you can now filter by confidential or non-confidential
> issues in issue list views of GitLab. You can also do the same when retrieving
> issues via the API.
> Thank you, [Robert Schilling](, for the contribution!
[Link to new issue from a moved and closed issue](
> In GitLab, you can easily move an issue to another project via the sidebar
> or with a quick action. Behind the scenes, the existing issue is closed,
> and a new issue is created in the target project, with everything copied
> over, including system notes and sidebar attributes. This is a great feature.
> While there is a system note indicating the move, users have found it confusing
> when viewing the now-closed issue, since they may not understand that the issue is closed due
> to being moved.
> With this release, we now indicate right in the badge at the top of the issue page
> in the closed issue that it has been moved, and also include
> a link to the new issue inline, so that anyone arriving at the older issue
> can quickly navigate to the new one.
[YouTrack integration](
> GitLab integrates with many external issue tracking systems, making it
> easier for teams to take advantage of GitLab for other features, while still
> maintaining their issue management tool of choice.
> With this release, we now also integrate with YouTrack by JetBrains.
> Thank you, [Kotau Yauhen](, for the contribution!
[Move files in the Web IDE](
> Files and directories can now be moved to a new path in a repository
> from the Web IDE when renaming a file or directory.
[Expand merge request diff to an entire file](
> When reviewing the changes in a merge request, the diff for each file
> can now be expanded to show the entire file for more context and to leave
> comments on unchanged lines.
[De-duplicated Git objects for public forks (Beta)]( (self-managed only)
> Forking allows anyone to contribute to open source projects without
> needing to give everyone write permissions, by
> copying the entire repository into a new project. Storing full copies
> of frequently forked Git repositories is inefficient. Using Git
> `alternates`, forks now share common objects from the upstream project
> in an object pool to reduce disk storage requirements.
> Object pools for forks are only created for public projects when hashed
> storage is enabled. Object pools can be enabled using the
> `object_pools` feature flag.
[Resizeable merge request file tree](
> When reviewing the changes in a merge request, the file tree can now be
> resized to show long filenames or take up less space on smaller screens.
[Keyboard shortcuts for next and previous file in merge request](
> When reviewing the changes in a merge request, quickly jump from file
> to file using `]` or `j` for the next file, and `[` or `k` for the
> previous file.
[Allow protected branches to be created by developers](
> Protected Branches prevent unreviewed code from being pushed or merged.
> However, when no one is allowed to push to a protected branch, no one
> is able to create a new protected branch, like a release branch.
> In GitLab 11.9, developers can now create a protected branch from an
> already protected branch through GitLab or the API. Using Git to push
> a new protected branch is still protected to prevent accidentally
> creating new protected branches.
[Run specific jobs on merge requests only when certain files change](
> In GitLab 11.6, we added the ability to specify [`only:
> merge_requests`](
> for pipeline jobs to enable users to run certain jobs only when creating a
> merge request.
> Now, we're expanding that functionality to include
> conjunction logic with [`only:
> changes`](
> so that users can run specific jobs only on merge requests when only
> particular files are changed.
> Thank you, [Hiroyuki Sato](, for this
> contribution!
[GitLab self-monitoring with Grafana]( (self-managed only)
> Grafana is now bundled in our Omnibus package, making it easier than ever
> to understand how your instance is performing.
> To enable, set `grafana['enable'] = true` in `gitlab.rb`, and Grafana will
> then be available at `https://your.gitlab.instance/-/grafana`. In the near future,
> we will also be [including a GitLab dashboard](
> out of the box.
[Zoom and scroll the metrics dashboard](
> While investigating a performance anomaly, it is often useful to be able to take a closer
> look at select portions of a given metric.
> With GitLab 11.9, users can now zoom in on particular time periods on the metrics dashboard,
> scroll across the entire time window, as well as easily reset the view back to the original
> time span. This makes it quick and easy to investigate these interesting events.