Release v14.3.0-ee

Name: GitLab


Release: GitLab 14.3

Released: 2021-09-22

License: MIT

Release Assets:

![31 new features]( "New features added in this release") ![2246 total badges]( "Total features") #### [Ultimate]( ![3 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![293 total badges]( "Total features in this tier") ##### [Application security testing](

[License Compliance now supports Java 15]( License Compliance > License Compliance now supports Java 15 projects. Set the variable `LM_JAVA_VERSION` to `15` in order to utilize this Java version for your project.
[Next Generation SAST to reduce Ruby false positives]( SAST, Vulnerability Management > GitLab SAST historically has been powered by [over a dozen open-source static analysis security analyzers]( These analyzers have proactively identified millions of vulnerabilities for developers using GitLab every month. These tools use a variety of different approaches for identifying vulnerabilities from basic regex pattern matching to abstract syntax tree parsing which can lead to issues with false positives. GitLab's Secure tools already offer vulnerability fingerprinting allowing you to dismiss these false positives persistently, however, we want to go a step further and not require this manual triaging. > > Today we're releasing the first version of our proprietary static application security testing engine built in-house and maintained by GitLab's Static Analysis and Vulnerability Research groups. Initially, this tool is focused on Ruby and Rails to help reduce false positives. > GitLab's Next Generation SAST engine takes the learnings we've gained from years of running and maintaining the open source security tools that power GitLab SAST today and applying state-of-the-art program analysis techniques. This new engine leverages program representations that include data and control flow analysis and a novel pattern extraction language which can be used for both vulnerability detection and to eliminate vulnerabilities that may have been falsely reported by other integrated security tools. This engine also provides us the framework to start integrating different types of security testing offered within GitLab Ultimate to make them all smarter. > > As your source code management, CI/CD, and security scanning provider, GitLab is uniquely positioned to deeply integrate security testing across your software development lifecycle (SDLC) to bring you fast, accurate, and scalable security results. We're excited about the future of this new proprietary engine, and we look forward to expanding its availability, language coverage, and detection capabilities in future releases.
##### [Software supply chain security](
[Project-level DAST and secret detection scan execution policies]( Security Orchestration, DAST, SAST > We have completed the first iterative step [toward our vision]( of bringing unified security policies to GitLab. Users can now require DAST and secret detection scans to run on a regular schedule or as part of project CI pipelines, independent of the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file's contents. This allows security teams to separately manage these scan requirements without allowing developers to change the configuration. You can get started with these policies by navigating to the **Security & Compliance > Policies** page in your project.
#### [Premium]( ![10 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![455 total badges]( "Total features in this tier")
[Geo replicates Pages deployments]( (self-managed only): Disaster Recovery, Geo-replication > With [GitLab Pages](, you can publish static > websites directly from a repository in GitLab. In a disaster recovery scenario, it was already > possible to regenerate Pages sites after failing over to the new primary site. However, Geo > now also replicates Pages deployments. This provides extra protection against data loss > and reduces recovery time by removing the need to regenerate Pages after a failover.
[GitLab Environment Toolkit (GET) 1.2 now available]( (self-managed only): Omnibus Package > The [GitLab Environment Toolkit](, a tool to deploy and operate production GitLab instances based on our [Reference Architectures](, has now reached version 1.2. > > Highlights of 1.2 include support for AWS RDS, Elasticache, Geo on cloud native hybrid deployments, as well as all settings in Omnibus and Helm. To learn more about GET, the complete list of all changes, as well as upcoming breaking changes, please [read the release notes](
[Audit events for changes to protected branch settings]( Audit Events > GitLab now records additional audit events when changes are made to protected branches. > Specifically, events are now created when changes are made to: > > - Who is allowed to push to the branch. > - Who is allowed to merge to the branch. > - Whether or not code owner approval is required. > - Whether or not force pushing is allowed. > > This enables you to have more visibility into what is going on in GitLab and > ensure that controls have been put in place and that they have not been changed. This > can help to ensure you successfully pass audits that require separation of duties. > When controls > have been changed, the audit events will help you see when and who made the change > to dig deeper and understand why. > > Thanks to [Adrien Gooris]( from [Michelin]( for this contribution!
[Audit events for merge request approval setting changes]( Audit Events > Audit events are now created if changes are made to the [merge request approval settings]( > in a project. You can now see if a change is made to the following policies: > > - Requiring user password for approvals. > - Allowing modifying merge request approvals in a merge request. > - Needing to get new approvals when a new commit is added to a merge request. > > You can now be confident that once you configure approval settings, you can quickly see > if they are changed. This is a great way to show auditors that controls were put in place > and have not been removed or modified. > > Thanks to [Adrien Gooris]( from [Michelin]( for this contribution!
[Show DORA API-based Deployment Frequency metric for Premium customers]( Value Stream Management > This change enables the DORA API-based Deployment Frequency metric in group-level Value Stream Analytics for Premium customers. This can help you understand how often you are delivering increased value to your users. Also, higher deployment frequency means you are able to get feedback and iterate more quickly in delivering improvements and features.
[Grant group access to the GitLab Agent's CI/CD Tunnel]( Kubernetes Management > The GitLab Agent for Kubernetes provides a secure connection between a Kubernetes cluster and GitLab. Until GitLab 14.2, the CI/CD Tunnel could only provide access to a cluster from CI/CD jobs ran in the Agent for Kubernetes's configuration project. In GitLab 14.3, we introduced support for groups to access the Agent through the CI/CD Tunnel. As a result, every project under the authorized group has access to the cluster without the need to register an agent for every project.
[Group-level permissions for Protected Environments]( Release Orchestration > Typically, large enterprise organizations have an explicit permission boundary between developers and operators. Developers may deploy and test the application on lower-tier environments such as the development environment. Operators are responsible for deploying to higher-tier environments such as the production environment. Furthermore, in organizations where there are potentially thousands of projects under a single group, ensuring that all of the project-level protected environments are properly configured is not a scalable solution. > > In this release, we are introducing group-level protected environments, based on the [deployment tier]( as the identifier. This enables operators to responsibly lock down deployments to higher tier environments without unnecessarily preventing developers from doing their work as the maintainers of their individual projects.
##### [Plan](
[Filter roadmap view by set dates]( Roadmaps > When you view your team's progress over a large timeframe, the horizontal nature of the roadmap canvas adds a ton of horizontal scrolling. > > With this release, you can reduce the infinite scrolling interactions by using the predetermined date range options in the top left of the roadmap search bar. You can jump to the dates you need and the roadmap quickly zooms in on your area of interest.
##### [Package](
[Search for packages not found in GitLab]( Package Registry > You can use the GitLab Package Registry as a private PyPI index alongside your source code and pipelines. It's common for teams to rely on a combination of private and public indexes. PyPI supports this by offering an `-index` and `extra-index-url` arguments that allow you to specify multiple indexes to download from. When installing a package `pip` will download the best match it can find, between all available indexes, not in priority order. For example, the latest version of a package will be chosen regardless of any priorities between indexes, simply because it's the latest version. This presents a security concern for some organizations as it can make you vulnerable to dependency confusion attacks. For example, a developer may install a package thinking it was being sourced from a private GitLab project, but it is actually downloaded from the public repository instead. > > You can use the GitLab Package Registry as a private PyPI index alongside your source code and pipelines. Moving forward, when you attempt to [install a PyPI package]( from your GitLab project and the package isn't found, the request is forwarded to []( In other words, if the package name exists in your private registry, it's excluded from the lookup from the public repository. This is done so that an attacker can't inject code by uploading a package to PyPI with the same name and higher version. > > This new feature is auto-enabled for and can be turned off by self-managed customers by using their [Continuous Integration and Deployment Admin Area settings]( This feature is currently limited to `Premium` customers, but [GitLab-#337862]( will move the feature to `Core`.
##### [Monitor](
[API endpoint to retrieve on-call user]( Incident Management > Identifying who is on-call should be quick and easy, especially if there's an active incident. This release adds an API call that returns the on-call users for each Escalation Policy of a project. Responders can use their preferred workflow, the GitLab UI or API, to find out who is on call.
#### Core ![18 new features]( "New features added to this tier in this release") ![1498 total badges]( "Total features in this tier")
[Support for Kubernetes 1.20]( Kubernetes Management > In GitLab 14.3, we added support to Kubernetes version 1.20. GitLab users can benefit from having recent cluster versions in many features, such as the [GitLab Agent for Kubernetes](, [Auto DevOps]( and [Cluster Management Project]( > > You can find the list of [supported versions and related timelines in our documentation](
[GitLab chart improvements]( (self-managed only): Cloud Native Installation > - We have removed the extra Ingress path for the Sidekiq administration panel, after [addressing the original need]( This resolves several complications with external Ingress providers, such as Google's GCE and Amazon's ALB.
[Omnibus improvements]( (self-managed only): Omnibus Package > - GitLab 14.3 bundles [Mattermost 5.38](, an [open source Slack-alternative]( The newest release comes with many features and fixes, including a database migration that may take several minutes to complete. Refer to the Mattermost blog post for more details.
[OAuth access tokens issued with expiration by default]( Authentication and Authorization > By default, any OAuth access tokens issued after this release will have a 2 hour expiry window. Previously, OAuth access tokens never expired, which is insecure. You can disable this option by unchecking the **Expire Access Token** checkbox on the OAuth application UI.
[GPG key displayed on a user's profile page]( Authentication and Authorization > In previous versions of GitLab, there was no simple way to view a user's GPG key. We've > added a button on profile pages that allows you to see a user's GPG key with one click.
[Filtering for project-level Value Stream Analytics]( Value Stream Management > Value Stream Management for projects just got better. Now you can filter the work items in a stage by milestone, label, author, or assignee to view stage times for the issues and merge requests you are most interested in.
[Remove deploy freeze period via the UI]( Release Orchestration > To prevent unintentional deployments of your CI/CD jobs, you can set deploy freeze periods. Up until recently, it was possible to remove a deploy freeze period only by using the API. This release improves the ease of use by allowing you to remove a deploy freeze period directly from the GitLab interface. > This feature is a community contribution. Thank you [@jayaddison]( for adding this useful feature to GitLab!
[GitLab Pages support splat (wildcard) and placeholder redirects]( Pages > GitLab Pages supports a variety of redirect rules, including [redirects]( and [rewrites]( In this release, you can now also use splats (aka wildcard) and placeholders to redirect your Pages content to specific pages.
##### [Create](
[Preview multimedia in the new Wiki editor]( Wiki > Including multimedia in a wiki page is a great way to effectively and efficiently communicate complex content. GitLab Flavored Markdown supports embedding [video and audio content]( for playback. However, when you're editing the page, the media is represented in code by the path to the file, and that can lead to confusion or uncertainty around whether you uploaded the right version of the file. > > In GitLab 14.3, the new WYSIWYG Markdown editor in the Wiki renders and plays back existing video and audio content on the page right in the editor. Now you can be sure that the `recording_final.mp3` or `walkthrough.mp4` you attached is indeed the right asset without leaving the editor. Currently, this only applies to media already included in the page when it's loaded into the editor. We will add support for [inserting new video and audio content]( from the editor in an upcoming milestone. > > Thanks to [Lee Tickett]( for this helpful contribution!
[Edit a table's structure visually in the new wiki editor]( Wiki > Editing a Markdown table that has 9 columns and 25 rows is one thing. But adding a tenth column to that table in Markdown? That involves very repetitive and error-prone edits to every row. One mistake or misplaced `|` and the table fails to render. > > The new WYSIWYG Markdown editor in the wiki lets you quickly and easily insert a table using the button in the toolbar. After selecting the initial number of rows and columns, however, dealing with the structure of the table can be more difficult. In GitLab 14.3, you can now click on the caret icon in the top right corner of any selected cell to add or remove columns and rows, either before or after the selected cell. Now, as your content scales, the complexity doesn't follow suit.
##### [Verify](
[Filter pipelines in Pipeline view by source]( Continuous Integration (CI) > The project pipelines list at **CI/CD > Pipelines** shows all pipelines for a project, but you could not filter the list by pipeline **source**. Now, in GitLab 14.3, you can easily filter the pipeline list based on sources like `api`, `schedule`, `merge_request_event`, and so on.
[GitLab Runner on IBM POWER9 (Linux OS)]( GitLab Runner > If you use IBM POWER9 (`ppc64le` compute architecture) systems for compute-intensive workloads, you have not had runners available from GitLab. You've had to rely on your own runner, or on a runner built and maintained by IBM. While this allowed you to run your GitLab CI/CD jobs on POWER9, it was less than ideal. The binary was not part of the GitLab Runner release and support lifecycle. You can now install and use a runner built and supported by GitLab to execute GitLab CI/CD jobs on IBM POWER9 (Linux OS).
[GitLab Runner 14.3]( GitLab Runner > We’re also releasing GitLab Runner 14.3 today! GitLab Runner is the lightweight, highly-scalable agent that runs your build jobs and sends the results back to a GitLab instance. GitLab Runner works in conjunction with GitLab CI/CD, the open-source continuous integration service included with GitLab. > > #### What's new: > > - [GitLab Runner packages for Fedora 33 & 34 now available]( > - [Assign runner nodes to Pods by using Kubernetes inter-pod affinity/anti-affinity]( > > #### Bug Fixes: > > - [Shell executor doesn't clean up build directories]( > > The list of all changes is in the GitLab Runner [CHANGELOG](
[Support merging CI/CD rules arrays with `!reference`]( Pipeline Authoring > The YAML [`!reference` tag]( introduced earlier this year helps you reuse and combine configuration. This is a very flexible way to combine frequently reused configuration with job-specific configuration in one or more jobs. However, using it with the [`rules`]( keyword was not supported yet. In 14.3, we've added `!reference` support to the `rules` keyword, so you can now mix and match `rules` more easily, including with configuration from different files. You can use the CI/CD pipeline editor to [view the merged configuration](
[`Include` GitLab CI/CD configuration based on conditions]( Pipeline Authoring > [`include`]( is one of the most popular keywords to use when writing a full CI/CD pipeline. If you are building larger pipelines, you are probably using the `include` keyword to bring external YAML configuration into your pipeline. > > In this release, we are expanding the power of the keyword so you can use `include` with [`rules`]( conditions. Now, you can decide when external CI/CD configuration should or shouldn't be included. This will help you write a standardized pipeline with the ability to dynamically modify itself based on the conditions you choose.
[Use variables in other variables]( Pipeline Authoring > CI/CD pipeline execution scenarios can depend on expanding variables declared in a pipeline or using GitLab predefined variables within another variable declaration. In 14.3, we are enabling the "variables inside other variables" feature on GitLab SaaS. Now you can define a variable and use it in another variable definition within the same pipeline. You can also use GitLab predefined variables inside of another variable declaration. This feature simplifies your pipeline definition and eliminates pipeline management issues caused by the duplicating of variable data. Note - for GitLab self-managed users the feature is disabled by default. To use this feature, your GitLab administrator will need to enable the [feature flag](
##### [Package](
[New API available for the Dependency Proxy]( Dependency Proxy > To reduce build times, avoid Docker Hub rate limits, and reduce your external dependencies, you can use the GitLab Dependency Proxy to proxy and cache container images from Docker Hub. > > Previously, you had no way of knowing how the Dependency Proxy was being used. For example, for your GitLab group, maybe you wanted to know how many container images were added to the cache, or you wanted to view details about items already in the cache. > > Now you can use the GitLab GraphQL API to quickly find these important details. You can use the new API to uncover details about the images and their underlying components, so that you can know for certain which container images and tags are being used in your group. > > Next up, we'll use the new API to deliver a significant update to the user interface. [GitLab issue 250865]( proposes an update to the UI to add helpful metadata for quick reference.
##### [Application security testing](
[Static Analysis analyzer updates]( SAST, Secret Detection > GitLab Static Analysis is comprised of a [set of many security analyzers]( that the GitLab Static Analysis team actively manages, maintains, and updates. Below are the analyzer updates released during 14.3. These updates bring additional coverage, bug fixes, and improvements. > > - Brakeman updated to version 5.1.1 - [MR](, [Changelog]( > - Enhanced performance > - Eslint updated to version 7.30.0 - [MR](, [Changelog]( > - PMD Apex updated to version 3.38.0 - [MR](, [Changelog]( > - Spotbugs updated to version 2.28.6 - [MR](, [Changelog]( > - Semgrep updated to version 0.65.0 - [MR](, [Changelog]( > - Performance improvements, ignore minified files, improved error messaging > > If you are [including the GitLab managed vendored SAST template]( ([SAST.gitlab-ci.yml]( you do not need to do anything to receive these updates. However, if you override or customize your own CI template, you will need to update your CI configurations. If you want to remain on a specific version of any analyzer, you can now [pin to a minor version of an analyzer]( Pinning to a previous version will prevent you from receiving automatic analyzer updates and require you to manually bump your analyzer version in your CI template.

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