Release v6.2.0
Name: GitLab
Release: Gitlab 6.2
Released: 2020-04-06
License: MIT
Release Assets:
- Public project pages are now visible to everyone (files, issues, wik, etc.) - Add group access to permissions page - Require current password to change one - Group owner or admin can remove other group owners - Remove group transfer since we have multiple owners - Respect authorization in Repository API - Improve UI for Project#files page - Add more security specs - Added search for projects by name to api (Izaak Alpert) - Make default user theme configurable (Izaak Alpert) - Update logic for validates_merge_request for tree of MR (Andrew Kumanyaev) - Rake tasks for webhooks management (Jonhnny Weslley) - Extended User API to expose admin and can_create_group for user creation/updating (Boyan Tabakov) - API: Remove group - API: Remove project - Avatar upload on profile page with a maximum of 100KB (Steven Thonus) - Store the sessions in Redis instead of the cookie store - Fixed relative links in markdown - User must confirm their email if signup enabled - User must confirm changed email